Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Sunday BRR prep Run Day


4 BRR aspirants gathered for a late summer training run.

7mi trail run – Olivander, TYA

Mayo Bridge / Forest Hills route:  9.5 mi Gomer Pyle. 12mi extra credit Saab.

ETs for 2nd F



Beautiful day for a run and a preview of better weather to come.

We all decided that with the BRR less than two weeks out we need to take advantage of the training opportunity.

On the Mayo bridge route there are some detours. Over Saab’s mild objection YHC wanted to recon the blown out part of Riverside and see if it has improved yet. It’s still blown out and deep enough that it swallows a full size excavator. Saab did not want to add “construction equipment scramble” nor my other pastime of “lets explore the local population’s tolerance for runners on their property” to the run so we backtracked a bit. All apologies Saab, and thanks for the company. We split at Maymont and Saab did the loop around the perimeter of Byrd Park and some Love Hill repeats.  YHC likes the Mayo route as a prep for BRR, closer to the variation of the race without the stops and hazards on the trail.

TYA and Olivander can comment on their route.

Get your miles in boys!


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  1. Thanks for the company Saab. Solid run.

    Great seeing seeing Olivander and TYA out there!

    YHC is happy to report no calf issues today! Yeeaasss!

  2. You were crushing it today Gomer. Thanks for pushing me and for the company. Great morning for a run.

  3. Well done, fellas. Sorry to miss. Hoping to be back for your last time up or two before BRR.