Wednesday, January 22
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

A Year of Holland


14 men braved the gloom and curiosity that comes with a Mr. Holland Q. Here’s the general idea:

COP: SSH, DQ, LBC, merkins – mosey to field

BEAST: merkins, WWIIs, squats, CA drydocks, V-ups, burpees

Amphitheatre: bear crawl up, then back down (note: bear crawling down is precarious, but it works)
box jumps: “two steps forward, one step back”

lunge to flag, stopping along the way for merkins, American Hammers, more of these, and finally back to flag.

Shout out to FNG Carjack (Steve Norris) – Big Data will be looking for you!

A year ago yesterday, I’d never heard the phrase, “push yourself, don’t hurt yourself.” I was a sedentary Sad Clown, making excuses for my lack of physical, mental, and spiritual flaccidity. I came out more or less on a whim, mostly because it was free. I hadn’t done meaningful exercise in nearly five years: I tired easily, felt down on myself, and was isolated to boot.

My first morning, I just tried not to throw up. I went back home, took a desperate shower, and went back to sleep. It was a full week before I felt able to make it back. I could just about struggle through one pull-up, but it wore me out.

Since, I’ve completed an unofficial Corporate (no double-dip Saturday), can crank out 15 pull-ups, have lost my lower back pain, and made strong men sweat and swear. I’ve had ice in my beard. I fill out my clothing in good ways rather than bad ones. I go to work with my head held high, knowing I’ve already accomplished a ton before my day begins.

None of this would work without the constant support and challenge of the PAX. Thanks, y’all.

-Mr Holland


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  1. Congrats Mr. Holland! I’m glad to have shared this anniversary with you.

    Welcome to the F3 crew Carjack!

  2. Hellz yeah! Glad to hear of your year long journey…it’s good to have you around, Mr. Holland.

  3. Congrats on the anniversary, Mr. Holland. It is great to have you in the PAX and always fun to see what diabolical workouts you have cooked up for us when you Q…bear crawling down the amphitheater…crazy! Well said in your BB too and congrats on all of your growth and accomplishments over the past year.

    I have to ask…why was Carjack not named Chuck? I mean think of the fun we could have with memes. Welcome Carjack – look forward to meeting you in the gloom.