YHC arrived, first on scene, wondering who would appear and my, still raining!! YHC was on vacation last week with sunny skies and one 10 minute rain shower! Really…….the PAX immediately started to roll in. Good to see the PAX members arrive and few training for the BRR and one FNG awaiting Shakedown, last in! YHC explained the route with 2 groups-4 and 5 milers.
The route=up Twin Team and R on Brigstock. 4 milers run to Helmsley and back to AO. 5 milers run to the end of Brigstock and back to the AO. Bam, 0530===3 PAX members turning out 4 and 5 turning out 5.
Mumblechatter was good in the 5 mile pack and the pace was 9 minute miles. Great work PAX. 4 milers did a great job too as 5 milers did not catch.
Numer-ama, Name-r-ama, Welcome FNG Brad aka Pipeline. Announcements: Puppy Pile Saturday, 0700, see Marv. Convergence Labor Day, see Spit.
YHC took us out.
NMS=Honeymoon and Bleeder churning miles for the BRR. Nice work and keep logging miles. Lug Nut states, ” I have done two.” Way to log miles as well Lug.
Shakedown and Pipeline are buddies who work for the Evil Twins, Dominion Power and VDOT, with environmental protection. So 5 mile group mumblechatter back in bound involved THE pipeline-who, what, when, where, how? Thanks for the intel, Pipeline. And WELCOME!!! Keep posting and it only gets better!
4 mile group crushed their run! And YHC is sure the mumblechatter was even better!
Monday morning run is superb. Great run and continue the greatness throughout the week!!
Only those who post understand.
Loud and Proud,
Good run this morning guys. Pipeline’s hospital name is Brad, not Rob.
Can’t forget the pack of tomatoes that told us we were running on the wrong side of the road. Sorry ladies.
Oh, and, Welcome Pipeline!!
Shakedown – apparently your transgression got you kicked out of the PAX
Got my fill (and more) of Twin Team on Friday so I needed to take a field trip to Batteau.
That was a brutal run. I was running so fast y’all didn’t even see me. I’m glad I at least made the backblast.
Flatline apologizes to Pipeline and Shakedown. Um…..vacation was awesome therefore my brain is still turned off. Tomorrow will be better.
Do we need to ask for a Big Data Fix?
I mean, damn, I bring an FNG, I give the Q hell about his lack of social media, I pretty much don’t stop talking the whole time. I know Handshake is a handsome fella but damn, cut yer boy Shakes some slack Flatline. I gotta try and catch back up to Vinny so I need all the big data I can get ?
There is no catching Vinny, but we will give you an “E” for effort.
Yeah, I had a strong May, he caught me, I got tired… it’s just an aspirational goal – lol