2 OTB regulars started in the parking lot hearing a little loudspeaker chatter and realized it was the Pink Power Triathlon at the nearby YMCA. It worked out well that Honeymoon wanted 7ish miles and YHC had a route planned to take us away from the traffic. Up to Midlothian, into Salisbury around Oakengate and Castlebridge and back past Midlo High School. Hit the coffeeteria for the start of the race and saw the leaders heading out on the run as we finished up.
Good times, no trains to climb although we did cross the tracks.
1 Comment
Last year, Labrat and I made the drive to Off the Books on Pink Power Tri day. Ran with Honeymoon and Wilson that day. Doublemint annnouces at a lot of those events. I think he announced this weekend.