Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Sunday Morning


8 strong hit the trails or blacktop this fine Sunday morning.  Conditions were clear, 70 and sunny with some peacefulness and serenity thrown in.

This is what we did:

YHC called the Nickel Bridge to Buttermilk to T Potterfield to North Bank route.  An “Oldie but Goodie” route right, Vinny!  Saab stayed on the blacktop and made it down and across the Mayo Bridge and back up to T Potterfield and ran halfway across until he met the trail group, turned around a ran with us until Tredegar and continued up the hill on the blacktop surfaces back to and around Byrd Park and then threw in a few hill repeats on Love Hill.  Great job!  Gomer and Upchuck took off out of the gate and killed the called route in an hour!  Well done!  Hardywood did the called route with a few modifications to make it longer.  The rest of the PAX ran the called route in about 90 or so minutes.  Great job to all!

What a great morning!  It warmed up a little when we got out of the shade onto T Potterfield.  Everything including the river and city were really bright with the sun reflecting off of everything.  A nice break from all of the rainy, dreary, cloudy days we have been experiencing.  YHC rolled his ankle about two miles in but continued on in an ugly fashion.  Vinny may or may not have had a slight tumble.  I’ll let him describe.  Glad to have Shakedown and Gomer Pyle back out in the gloom after their vacations!  Also, glad to have Hardywood back out after his paternity leave.  YHC enjoyed our conversation about long term planning, Hardywood!  YHC didn’t make ET’s but I know some folks went.  Hope you had a great breakfast.  Enjoyed it fellas!


Combined Roller Coaster and HDHH this Wednesday at 5:30pm at Kuba Kuba Dos in Tuckahoe Shopping Center.  I have a loop route planned in the hills nearby and then we will convene for food and beverage after.  No outdoor tables there, so you may want to bring a change of clothes and/or deodorant.

PuppyPile on Saturday, August 25th immediately following Dogpile.  Bring those 2.0’s out!  Marv has the Q.

Announcement on Ghostflag appearance soon.  Look for a PreBlast.

New Podcast is out.


Have a great Sunday all!!


keep posting!


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  1. An oldie, but goodie indeed. GP, my pleasure to run with you. Thank you for letting me run in your wake today . Four fast miles and three with me hanging on for dear life. That’s probably the fastest I’ve done the loop.

    Good time at ETs. Hardywood took home some hardware. We’ll see whether it becomes the stuff of F3 lore. Take good care, and pass it on.

    Nice to get the band back together today, fellas.

    For the record, when Saab runs off alone and comes back with a chest covered in scratch marks from a woman’s fingers, questions abound….

  2. Today it was an oldie but hot as heck. Vinny made it through all the rocks over by Suntrust then decided to eat it. Stuck the landing though. As always, enjoyed the TYA time. And don’t hate the post run toga look. Vinny is fashion forward. Kubota, get that ankle right brother. 8 more Qs this week.

  3. Great to be back and I enjoyed running with and getting directions from UpChuck.

    After that ankle roll I was starting to think that Saab had the better plan, but the trails are calling.

    No falls LabRat!