Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Partner Up, Triple Up, and Quintuple UP


10 Warriors (5 Davillians, 4 2.0’s, and one Summer Tourist) arrived a a overcast then raining Creek (no worries its always sunny and 70), to enjoy the end of the week with a beatdown.

This is how it went down

Mosey around the church in different ways including backwards, karaoke style, and forwards

COP (ALL IC) – Invisible Jump Rope, Hand Release Merkins (HRM’s), DQ, HRM’s, Helicopters, HRM’s, Arm Circles (forward), HRM’s, Arm Circles (backwards), HRM’s.


Partner Up

PLT in sets of 10, 15, and 20 each partner

Triple Up

Triple Check: HRM’s, LBC’s and run around the front parking lot

Quintuple Up

Chaos Four Corners: Teams of five, split up with a different person at each corner. The fifth partner starts running to the first corner to pick up the first partner. Before they head to the second corner they must complete 10 Jump Squats each, Rinse and repeat at each corner picking up the rest back on the way. 2nd corner – 10 2ct Mtn Climbers, 3rd – 10 Heels to Heaven, 4th – 10 LBCs. 10 HRM’s at the end

Chaos Four Corners Reverso: Same as before but this time all PAX starts running and dropped one PAX at each corner then comes back to pick up PAX

Partner Up

PLT Is sets of 20, 15, and 10 each partner

Mosey back to the SF, 10 HRM’s IC, Numerama, Namerama, Announcements, Wild Thing took us out


The Hand Release Merkins brought about an each challenge during the COP. It seemed YHC’s arms were going to fall off while doing Arm Circle. By looking at the rest of the PAX faces, YHC feels they would agree

We had a cheering section this morning with a Southern Baptist Mission crew sharing our parking this morning.

Glad to have Wedding Singer join us. Good Luck with the rest of your tour.

  • Swim Team practice at Dogpile tomorrow. Come prepare
  • Pre blast for Labor Day Convergence coming soon




  1. Good job today fellas. Sorry for the short Moleskin today. Busy day. Have a great weekend!

  2. Wedding Singer on

    Fitting that you lead my last northern tour AO Spit, I think you’ve been at every workout I’ve attended up there. Much appreciated buddy.