Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

La theme Francais at Chienpile


Vingt-Quatre (avec un FNG) posted on a beautiful Saturday morning for a Bastille day beatdown at Chienpile and figure out what a French theme would entail.  Here is what we did:

COP – SSH, Helicopters, Merkins, Freddy Mercurys, Scorpion Kicks, Don Qs.  Head to Amphitheatre for:

Bastille Day celebration.  Original day was 1789 so we did:  Burpees up each step for the 17 then back down and 5 V-Ups per steps until last step where we did 4 to get to 89.  Then head down love hill and over to Pipeloop.

Partner up for Classic Dora:  100 Merkins, 200 Jump Squats, & 300 Box Cutters.  Running up Pipeloop was a tribute to mountain stages of Tour De France.  Head up to Rusty Cage:

4 Sets of 8 Pull-Ups & 4 Sets of 10 Dips.  Then head to Amphitheater field for Soccer Practice in honor of France is World Cup final tomorrow.  PAX worked on most important skill in soccer:  Taking a dive – PAX would sprint, YHC called contact and PAX were to do their best Neymar imitation of being shot and roll on the ground in agony.  Whoever acted the most hurt got the Call and select 20 reps of an exercise of their choice.  Fireman Ed called 20 WWII Situps, Handshake called Mtn Climbers, and Swirly called Hand-Release Merkins.  Finish up with Sprint back across the field and then mosey back to the flag.  Wilson took us out.

NMS – YHC signed up for Dogpile Q about 3 months ago and almost forgot about it until he checked the Q sheet on Thursday.  A Bastille Day theme with the Carillon steps open was hoped for but the fence still remains up, maybe next year.  Some quick math of 17 steps in the Amphitheater gave us a chance to honor Bastille Day in F3RVA’s own way.  We were missing some Dogpile regulars but the siren song of Lockjaw’s Gridiron Q called some away, like Hardywood midway through our beatdown.

The cooler temps last night made the grass soaking wet for the V-Ups.  The Pipe-Loop Dora may be getting a lot of use this summer but it is only available for a few weeks before the sunlight escapes soon so use it or lose it.  Mumblechatter was heard about this new killer plant that burns your skin now in VA and how PAX should beware.

There was no French connection to the Rusty Cage, just needed to crush the Arms with dips.  PAX knocked it out in short order. There was almost some French added though as rumor had it that some Merlot was spilled behind the Dip bars but that was just Bromance modifying the exercise.  PAX seemed to enjoy their soccer practice at the end.  The USA still has a long way to go to master the art of the Dive and advance to the World Cup elite.

Good to see the New Market crew pull in with 3 strong.  Wilson took a fair amount of ribbing but good to see him, Honeymoon, and Marmaduke back in action.  Welcome to FNG Diggler, not sure how having a porn-stache gets you that name but it made sense at the time.  Also great to see Hitchhiker out in the gloom one week after his new baby arrived.  

Annoucements – Puppy-Pile next weekend.  Also TYA has a CSAUP planned for October – stay tuned for more details upon his return but start your distance training now.


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  1. Although YHC is German his family hails from the contested Alsace-Lorraine region on the French-German border and ancestors emigrated to US in part because of unrest from French Revolution.

  2. Looks like a solid beat down Honey Do! Way to keep the Bastille Day tradition alive.

  3. Honey Do – always a great beating when you are Q! Nicely done. I may bitch but always feel better after! Digler is from Dirk Digler the caracter Mark Wahlberg played in the 70’s porn movie. Can’t remember the name. I’m sure someone invthe PAX knows and will chime in. But his stash was impressive and worthy to be praised.

  4. Heck of a beatdown, Honeydo well done!! That was an awesome ending w the world cup game! Also, great working with Deuce and Loose Goose, way to work guys!

    Boogie Nights is what you’re looking for Wilson… have a great weekend…

  5. Great job Honeydo! That was one extremely hard, I’m already feeling that workout.

  6. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Did I mention I don’t like the french 🙂
    Good Q Honeydo !
    Way to work guys..