Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

River Loop…Repeat


3 SOJ natives (1 expat) and 1 Sheriff to keep order (although LIFO) started out the morning with some miles.  For the 3 natives, it was a flat out and back 2-mile loop down to the River and back to the Flag – do 20 SSHs and 20 LBC at the Flag and the REPEAT as many times as possible for 45 minutes.  YHC had to pull into pit-row after the first lap, but managed 2.5 for 5 miles.  I believe Splinter and Rosie may have gotten in a full 3…I lost sight of them.

Rosco was not deterred when the PAX was gone.  He headed through Tarrington and up Ashwell Drive hill for a strong 4+ miles.

COT, COR, NOR and YHC took us out.


  • HR Derby is tomorrow.  Don’t go to NoToll…go to Huguenot Little League behind Robious Elementary School.  Bring a glove.
  • July 4 convergence at Tredegar…see pre-blast.

Great run gents!  Great to have Splinter back in the motherland and great to have Rosco back out after being away in steamy Charleston.  Always good to run with (umm…after) Rosie.  He is looking strong and ready for the weekend race with Shakedown and maybe TYA (?).  You guys will kill it.

See you at the derby tomorrow!

No More Gumbo For You!


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  1. Loved the simplicity of the route Gumbo and it was great being back at River Run. I needed to get my running fix in.

    Sorry to miss HRD tomorrow. Always sounds like a good time.

    Good luck Rosie!

  2. Good simple route, I was happy to avoid the hills today, thanks for the pacing Splinter. Looking forward to trying to keep up with the 6 milers at SpiderRun or RAMM soon. Splinter thought we lost Gumbo when we didn’t see him on the turn but I realized it had been a while since he visited his favorite blue box.