Wednesday, September 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

4 Beers is just a warmup


Three F3RVA PAX showed up to #TwinTeam on Friday ready punish their bodies and minds, and get better a little bit at a time.


  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Copperhead Squats x 15 IC
  • Hillbillies x 20 IC
  • LBCs x 20 IC
  • Merkins x 10 IC

Mosey to JRHS front entrance for a Triple Check (Wall Sit, 6 Inches, run the loop)

Lightpole Lane: run the access road stopping at every light pole and alternating between the following exercises: Burpees x 2, Merkins x 5, Squats x 5

Giant 4 Corners Escalator:

  • 1st Corner – merkins x 10
  • 2nd Corner – merkins x 10, jump squats x 10
  • 3rd Corner – merkins x 10, jump squats x 10, LBCs x 20
  • 4th Corner – merkins x 10, jump squats x 10, LBCs x 20, mountain climbers x 10

Lightpole Lane – the other direction alternating between Carolina Dry Docks x 5 and WWII situps x 5

Mosey back to BWES for a modified Triple Check: (pole smokers, dips, run inbetween)

7 MOM – PAX alternates leading an ab workout IC, then YHC calls an alternate OYO exercise

  • LBCs x20 IC, Werkins x 10 OYO
  • Flutterkicks x 20 IC, Merkins x 10 OYO
  • Hello Dollies x 20 IC, Diamond Merkins x 10 OYO
  • Freddie Mercuries x 20 IC, Carolina Dry Docks x 10 OYO
  • Rosalita x 20 IC, Squats x 10 OYO
  • Dying Cockroach x 10 IC, 5 burpees OYO

Namerama, Numberama, COT

Announcements – July 4th convergence @ Tredegar, Summer Tour ongoing


As YHC sat in the parking lot at 5:15 thinking it may be a solo workout, and dreading having to motivate through a workout alone, Tobit showed up with 5 minutes to go and relieved the worry. Flipper showed up at the end of COP to make it an unbreakable triangle of HIMs (or at least HIMs in the molding).

YHC had planned The Cooper, but given the low numbers of PAX thought it would be better to save for another time. We did a menagerie of classics on the fly, and it seemed to put down a sufficient beating on the PAX. Tobit and Flipper both crushed the 4 corners and Light Pole Lane, leaving YHC a step behind the whole way – exactly the motivation I needed.

YHC was complaining post workout about having stayed up til midnight and drinking a few beers with the buddies and the effect that had on YHC’s aging millennial body – and Flipper stated that was just a warmup back in the good ol’ days. YHC may be younger than other PAX, but is a crotchety old man at heart.

Thanks for letting me lead – and my apologies for the late post!

~Why walk when you can Wheelbarrow?


About Author


  1. Also, I forgot to mention it was Flipper’s birthday – Happy 46th Flipdog!

  2. Nice improv Q, Wheelbarrow! Enjoyed it!

    Glad that four beers and a midnight bedtime didn’t deter you from coming out strong Friday morning. Feel free to bring some of your home brew next time you Q (or heck, anytime at all for that matter).

  3. Used to be a warm up…now it’s a possible 911 call…thanks for pushing an old guy to get younger everyday…F3 makes you feel like your aging in reverse