A group of noble warriors joined forces to throw around the kettlebells this morning, and here is what transpired:
- 25 SSH
- 20 Russian Soldiers
- 10 Russian Kickbacks
- 10 2x merkins
- 25 FM
- 20 Crab Cakes
- 15 Scorpion Kicks
- 20 Helicopters
- KB Catch Me if You Can – pair up, one man does 10 burpees while the other does a double-weighted carry
- 20 lawnmower pulls – each arm
- AMRAP challenge/version 2 – rotation of 3 exercises over a 30-35 second period, with reduced rest after each rotation, rests of 20, 15, 10 and 5 seconds
- Overhead pulls
- Sit ‘n presses
- Skull crushers
- Run the bus loop
- White Deer takes the Q
- Boat Canoe
- 15 halos, each way
- 15 360s, each way
- 15 one-handed KB swings, each arm
- COT with YHC taking us out
Ad hoc Q today for YHC and White Deer. Vinny and Handshake can now cross Circus Maximus off his summer tour of AOs, but as always, do not be strangers. For future visitors, bring a KB if you have it. We only have so many extras.. Solid work from the PAX.
God is good all the time!
Thanks for the guided kettle bell tour of GHS. Always good to breath fresh county air. Although there seemed to be quite a bit of pollution this morning. Great meeting White Deer and Tubbs.
Thanks for hosting, that was a nice change of pace. It was a very musical workout too.