Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

While your dad is away, let me tell you what a Libertarian is.


37 Warriors including several 2.0s came out for the rarest of rarities, a Lockjaw Dogpile Q.

Long mosey down the road to the far circle beyond the Carillon.


  • Arm Circles (Flashdance was present)
  • Helicopters
  • SSH
  • Don Quixote
  • Russian Soldiers
  • Imperial Walkers

Line up on the street heading downhill for 11s:

10 Carolina Dry Docks, 1 Captain Thor; Bear Crawl 10 paces for the next series of reps

Trot down the road a bit and turn into Pump House Park, cross the canal and hang a right heading to the end of the line maybe 150 yards down.  Partner up for Dora!

  • Partner 1 runs the loop back to the pump house and back (perhaps the longest run to date for Dora)
  • Partner 2 does 100 Copperhead Squats, 200 Monkey Humpers 300 Flutter Kicks

Mosey on back to the pump house and return to the road at the bottom of the pipeline.

Triple Check!

  • Partner 1 – Run up the pipeline and back down the trail
  • Partner 2 – Elbow Plank,
  • Partner 3 – American Hammers

Mosey down the road to Love Hill and run most of the way up.  Lunge walk the remainder of way until the 6 catches up, run to the Shovel Flag.

YHC asked Flashdance and Fudd to each say a little something to take us out.


Wow!  37.  It’s like a mini convergence.  Great to see so many familiar and new faces.  The following happened, more or less.

The Pax explored new territory in Pump House Park heading almost all the way to the end to where George Washington once enjoyed lunch while waiting to discuss the Kanawha canal project with others.  Alas, they stood him up and he had his lunch.  So when you were laying down doing your flutter kicks, GW might have had a nap in that precise location.

On the the pipeline is where most of today’s humor landed.  When Flashdance is partnered with Hardywood (and someone else), hilarity ensured.  Hardywood used each time Flashdance was running the pipeline to impart his wisdom to Flashdance’s 2.0.

Round 1 – “Do you know what a Libertarian is?”  Taxation explained with a PB&J and the government taking their share.

Round 2 – Adding honey to your PB&J when it is a controlled substance.  The government places you in prison with those who blow up sandwiches.

Round 3 – Estate Planning – Once the government takes most of the sandwich, your sister lives off of what’s left rest with a drummer from a band.

At least Flashdance didn’t need to explain Monkey Humpers on the way home.

There was a bit of running today.  Someone clocked us about 3.4 miles.  Well, I guess that is what the Pax gets when YHC does not get his Friday RAMM Q.

We had two FNGs today, both of which we changed their names.  Welcome FNGs Callahan and Safety Dance.  Callahan was temporarily named Sparks then we changed it to Dingo, then Tommy Boy, before YHC landed on Tommy Boy’s last name of Callahan.  Callahan will serve this FNG with more versatility.

YHC changed Polamalu to Safety Dance since he played safety on the University of Richmond football team.  He is wicked fast and came full speed today.

TYA and Snowden joined us at ETs.


  • June 15 – Amateur RAMMs Gears day.  Bring your Schwinn.  Bring your Huffy.  Bring some money for Starbucks.  See Lockjaw.
  • June 23 – Puppy Pile – Bring those 2.0s for a Sippy Cup beat down.
  • July 4 – Convergence at the Tredegar.  Kubota has Q.
  • Fudd and Flashdance are leaving town.  Mr. Roper is leading a a HDHH in their honor.  Pre-blast pending.

Time to Taper,




About Author


  1. Ha! Ha! I wish I could have heard that conversation between Hardywood and Athena!

  2. Great Q Lockjaw. Pump House Park was a nice addition. I told Callahan that we don’t necessarily run distance that much at bootcamps. Then you Q’d. 🙂

    Great work yesterday Callahan! We are so glad to have you on board. You’ve got a huge brotherhood behind you now. Can’t wait to have you back out.

    REMINDER: Next Saturday is YHC’s Dogpile VQ: F3RVA Field Day 2018. Please try and find (or make) a t-shirt that best represents your elementary school days. Can’t wait to see what y’all come up with.

  3. Sounds like a great beat down! Bromance, did you decide to keep your original name?

  4. Wow, I got a nod in 2 BB titles in a week. Some one call the press. Hardywood lessons civics and personal freedoms are available by request and necessity. The less that the next generation is polluted by the current major political climate and more inspired by their own free will, we will all be better off.