Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Magic School Bus!


4 hungry warriors came to conquer the morning at HR. SF planted and here’s the short version of how it went…

Mosey to small parking lot in front of school. COP: Invisible Jump Rope, Merkins, IW, DQ, Freddie Ms

Mosey to hill on east side of school for “fun on the hill”
– up the hill, 5 Lieutenant Dans, down the hill 5 LDs
– up the hill, 6 Lieutenant Dans, down the hill 6 LDs
– up the hill, 6 Lieutenant Dans, down the hill 6 LDs

Mosey to tennis basketball courts
– run forward to the wall, merkins, run back
– side shuffle R, WWII situps
– side shuffle L, CDD
– run backward, ???
– karaoke R, ???
– karaoke L, ???

Intermittently plank, one-legged balance toe touch each side, bridge/back plank between rounds

Mosey to Heartbreak Hill, repeato “fun on the hill” with modification of doing LDs only at the top, 5 iterations

Mosey to the SF
COP – each PAX choose a core exercise, finish with ring of fire

– Upon returning to the start, the PAX found note left on shovel flag by “556” – presumably a school bus with writing abilities. Glad to hear we’re encouraging someone. Maybe we should EH said school bus?
– Today was planned to be something completely different, but maybe next week with more PAX. Apparently plenty showed up at Lab Rat’s Ultimate party in DaVille


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  1. Loose Goose on

    Thanks fellas for the hard work, and allowing me to lead! See you next week.