A quiet 10 gathered around the parking lot of Huguenot Park on a cool June morning to see what Rosie had in store for the PAX. No gloves for the Q so Singer ditched his but others were more skeptical and kept their’s on.
Mosey to the Soccer Field for Warm-o-rama – SSH, DQ, Helicopter, Imperial Squat Walker (shout out to my first post where DK tried to screw this one up), HRM, LBC
To the sideline, partner up for Dora – 100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 LBC – Run with a twist – bear crawl the first half of the field the get up and run the rest of the way, alternate between bear crawl and lunge.
Around the parking lot with High knees, Slide right, Butt kickers, Slide left – Mosey to another field – 8 Count Burpees Pan-pax – each person calls the 8-count. Otherwise known as cheer practice, missed Gumbo and Viral for that one. Mary – Flutters, Freddies and Peter Parkers
Quarter Pounder – look it up in the lexicon if you are curious, it involves merkins, squats, Mtn. Climbers, SSH running and backward running. This is where we may have entered Honeydo’s time warp. The PAX was crushing everything this morning and there was still time for more.
Over to the bleachers for Lindsey’s – Incline Merkins and Crunchy Frogs Time is almost up so back to the flag for some American Hammers, Dollies and APDs.
Welcome to Richmond Tuco. He is an F3 Winston Salem guy that has officially taken a job in Richmond and is currently living SOJ. The rest of his family will be up in a few weeks and we are happy to have him in Richmond.
After going gloveless for Vinny’s TwinTeam bear crawl and reading about Saab’s adventure yesterday the YHC is hesitant to go sans gloves except when YHC has control. With the soft fields of NoToll this was an easy day without gloves. The fields are in prime condition LabRat, ready for your Q next week.
Not much mumblechatter on the day but it’s good to see some new regulars at NoToll with Flange and Beast. The PAX crushed the workout this morning, I had a couple tributes to my first post with DK’s Imperial Walker fail and the Dora. The time seemed to slow down through the middle of the workout and YHC had to fill some gaps with 8-count burpees and Lindsey. Mr. Roper is riding a couple mornings a week with a couple other F3ers. Nothing official but if you are interested, reach out to him.
Honeydo’s BB yesterday reminded YHC that it has also been 3 years for me. It’s been 3 years of ups and downs personally but F3 has kept me stable which helps me keep my family stable. I appreciate the opportunities I have to come out and enjoy a workout and the fellowship of F3RVA. Someone offered YHC a drink the other night and I declined stating I had a long run in the morning and was limiting the intake for the night. The response was “Why would you do that?” I joked that I have fallen in with a rough crowd that has convinced me to do stupid things like running all night and 50K races. I’ll take this rough crowd over any others. Thanks to everyone for the support, motivation, and peer pressure to do things I never expected.
See Vinny’s pre-blast for details on the June 16 Ghost Flag Field Day.
June 23 – Puppy Pile
June 26 – Gumbo’s HR Derby
July 4 Convergence – Tredegar
Great work and great words Rosie!
Solid beatdown this morning, Rosie! I was spent by the time 6:15 rolled around. You kept us moving non stop…no time for mumblechatter.
I haven’t been hanging out with this rough crowd for half the time you have, but it is easy to see the difference that being a part of this group makes. I’m doing stuff I never would’ve pushed myself to do.
Just remember Tuco’s first post in RVA was at Heartbreak Ridge. Glad to see him officially in F3RVA, albeit in SOJ.
Congrats on 3 Years Rosie!
Congrats on 3 years, Rosie! Looks like a nice beatdown!
Welcome Tuco!
No gloves needed next week at No Toll either…but do wear a black AND white shirt, or suffer whatever rash you get from the glorious fields of No Toll! #dontrockthered
Lol Labrat #drtr for short
Happy anniversary Rosie! Welcome Tuco!!
“…fallen in with a rough crowd that has convinced me to do stupid things…” “…peer pressure to do things I never expected.”
Truer words would be hard to come by. I am sure I speak for many when I say that I see you as one of the guys setting the bar of what can be done, so thank YOU. Happy 3 years, Rosie.
Welcome to RVA (and more specifically- SOJ), Tuco!
AYE!! Well said Sugar Sock.
Welcome to SOJ Tuco from a fellow North Carolina F3 (Asheville) member. Look forward to seeing you (tomorrow at Source of Truth Midlothian Middle school).
Great Q Rosie and congrats on 3 years. Excellent BB! “I’ve fallen in with a rough crowd” is a line I plan on using.
Thanks for your leadership over the last 3 years. Here’s to many more!
Test, can’t write a new BB for SOT
Rosie, excellent work and much RESPECT! Who would have thought a few car rides to school and 25 years later here we are!!