Five of the faithful posted at GridIron on a humid, cloudy morn. There were immediate requests to skip right to the post-workout breakfast at Metro Grill. Johnsonville (YHC) considered the requests and, despite their merits, elected to take Q and lead. This is what went down more or less:
Extended warmup with 25x ssh, 25x imperial walkers, 25x don quiotes, 25x standing mt climbers, 25x regular mt climbers, 10x merkins, 25x WWII situps, 25x arm circles each way, and 10x big arm circles each way.
Mossy over to the back row of 15 parking spaces. We climbed down the ladder of parking spaces with 1 burpee in each. 20x LBCs. Repeat up, back down, and back up.
Mossy a short distance over to the grassy dale. Run to bottom, do 1 merkin, backward run back up, do 5 Lt. Dans. Repeat increasing the number of merkins by 1 each set to 6.
Mossy over to the bleachers next to the adjacent gridiron. 25x dips OYO, 25x bench kicks OYO, 25x dips OYO, 25x bench kicks OYO.
Mossy over to the corner of the end zone. Bearimeter around the gridiron alternating with a partner. Everyone crawled the last leg along the back of the end zone to the point of origin.
Mossy down to the far side of the lower field onto a plush shady area. BLIMPS (Burpees, Lunges, Imperial Walkers, Merkins, Plank Jacks, Situps)
Mossy back to the VSF for some Mary in cadence. American Hammers, Flutter Kicks, Rosalita.
COT with Earthworm taking us out. Coffeeteria at Metro Grill (caloric intake clearly exceeded caloric burn on this day).
Attila was with us in spirit, but physically away with leave. The pax took note that several of the exercises (parking lot burpees and bleacher kicks) were Attila signature moves.
Our friend Night Crawler has been away for some time without leave. Is it time for an intervention?
Lt. Dans with a backward hill run is a nasty combo that needs to be repeated often. Chum Bucket dominates that combo.
WhiteDeer looks more natural bear crawling that he does standing. He came out of the gate blazing on the Bearimeters.
Great job men. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to lead. Jville
1 Comment
Good to read that Earthworm is back out at Gridiron.