Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

6 Pax and 6 Billion Gnats


six studs took off without a named Q to tour Heartbreak Ridge. Here is what transpired:

COP – SSH, Don Qs, Merkins, Scorpion Kicks, LBCs. COP was ed by Mr Holland.

Q to YHC. 3 Trips up Honeysuckle hill via Bear Crawl. 5 WWII situps at top, run down then 20 Jump Squats. Head to tennis courts: Sprints across & 15 Merkins. 2 more times then Crab Walk across.

Q passed to Flipper- down to concession stand for Triple check – B2W, Flutterkicks, run to flag & back.  Handshake took Q over to Jerkin Gym. Descending Jerkins from 7-1. Then 30 WWII situps. Garbage Plate took us home with Triple check again of Inchworm, Dips, and Star Jumps .

Back to flag for Mary, 10 HR Merkins and COT closed out by Handshake.

NMS – Great to have Tubbs out for 1st time at HBR. He posted as FNG at Circus Maximus last week. Way to hang in on a humid hot potato Q.

Mr Holland started us off but could not recall a historic event from 5/29 date to muster a theme so we passed the Q along. As we made our way to the concession stand the gnats hit us full force. It only got worse when we hit the Jerkin Gym. YHC has worked out in some terrible conditions in these last 3 years but the gnats at the Jerkin Gym were unbearable. A few pax almost gagged up onto their partner while holding their legs on the Jerkins.

Garbage Plate and Handshake handled their Q part fine and are both ready for a full Heartbreak Ridge VQ soon.

Silent Assassin signing off.



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  1. Thanks for taking care of the Back Blast Honey Do!

    Good times with familiar faces, thanks for letting me close it out.

    Welcome Tubbs!

  2. HoneyDo the way you stared into my eyes while you held my legs 3 feet apart during Jerkins was magical…disappointed to find out you just had a swarm of gnats in your eyes….way to bring it Tubbs (just to clarify you where named based on a loose connection to Miami Vice as the story read) (not reference to physical form) I mean really what group of a holes would this be that would name someone for an unflattering or congenital deformity not these guys -Flipper-