4 Davillians said no to their holiday hang out and yes to a beatdown. The SF was planned and the PAX got to work.
This is it went down:
Mosey around the front of the HS, through the bus loop, to the back school and to the blacktop.
- Helicopters
- DQ
- Merkins
- LBC’s
- Heels to Heaven
- American Hammers
- Arm Circles
Mosey to the soccer field
Partner Push – Partner up, with arm on each others shoulder facing each other, one partner starts pushing down the field while other partner give some resistance. Switch halfway through
Partner Pull – With same partner, grab partners left arm with right hand and right arm with left hand making an X. One partner starts pulling down the field while other partner give some resistance. Switch halfway through
Mosey to tennis court
4 Corners – 10 Merkins, 20 WWII, 30 (2ct) Flutter Kicks, 40 Squats. Rinse and Repeat for 3 rounds
Mosey back to the soccer field
4x4x4 – Using the corners of the field, start at 1st corner then run to 2nd and complete one 4×4. Run back to start then back to 2nd corner complete one 4×4, run to 3rd corner and complete two 4×4’s then back to the start. Rinse and repeat with 3 4×4’s at 4th corner and four 4×4’s at the start.
Mosey back to the SF
2 MOM – 20 Rosalita IC then 10 Burpees OYO
Numerama, Namerama, Announcements, YHC took us out.
The Carpenter who original had the Q today is still recovering from run-in with a nail and his foot reach out to YHC to switch Q’s. Aye, get better soon Carpenter you are missed in the PAX.
YHC brought a little Phoenix back to RVA. While posting last Wednesday, YHC learned some new exceries to share with the PAX. The partner push and pull seemed to be a success so hopefully some more will work out in the future.
Although the mumble chatter was pretty low must of the workout the PAX did help example to Emoji while Deadpool wouldn’t be a great move for the kids.
- F3RVA Summer Tour has begun! Who will be the first to post at every AO this summer?
- Next PuppyPile 6/23 at 7:05. Sippy Cup will get things started
1 Comment
Great job fellas! See y’all in the gloom!