Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Red vs Gray (and one stuck in the middle)


7 SOJ regulars posted to Timberwolf this morning.  6 got the memo and split evenly, Red Shirts vs. Gray Shirts.  1 was LIFO (and extra LIFO to swap crocs for Brooks), and he came in wearing a blue shirt…odd man out.  Nonetheless, all 7 managed to work up a sweat doing the following:

Mosey to the front parking lot for a Gumbo-led COP, including:

  • DQs
  • Helicopters
  • Cotton Pickers
  • Copperhead Squats
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Tempo Merkins
  • Box Cutters
  • Freddie Mercuries


Mosey to the near corner of the parking lot for 4-corners:

  • Corner 1 = 10 merkins
  • Corner 2 = 20 Jump Squats
  • Corner 3 = 30 2-count mountain climbers
  • Corner 4 = 40 SSHs
  • Run from Corner to Corner stopping at each median/island for 3 burpees along the way.  6 medians in all, so 18 burpees along the way.  Add 1 more at the end for 19 total — punishment for VMI baseball’s 19-0 loss to Mercer in the first round of the Southern Conference Tournament yesterday…OUCH!

Aforementioned, LIFO (Mr. Roper), somehow didn’t see us in the front parking lot as he drove by, so after swapping footwear and running around the school, he came in from the East and joined the PAX in Corner #2.

Gumbo passed the Q to Wilson

Numbered Door Variety Show

  • Mosey to Door #21 for 21 merkins OYO
  • #20 for a wall sit while Gumbo did a 20 count
  • #19 for Homer to Marger (AKA Heels to Heaven)
  • #18 for Donkey Kicks
  • #17 for something YHC can’t remember, but I’m sure it hurt
  • #16 for Hello Dollies
  • #15 for Carolina Dry Docks

Wilson passed the baton to Rosco…off to the track (YHC thinks Rosco was looking for the wooden benches for partner overhead presses, but thank goodness (for YHC’s shoulder) they were gone).

Rosco’s Field Games

  • 20 Dips on the bleachers OYO
  • Mosey to the long-jump pit for tire flips — 2 tires (1 large, 1 medium) = 2 teams (Red (and Blue) vs. Grays) – flip the tires the length of the runway…TIE
  • Mosey to the track for 2 laps around the track
  • Back to the tires for another tire-flip race…switch tires…TIE again
  • Back to the track for Human sled drills and then sprint relays (about 75 yards)
  • Back to tires for another race – Bobber defected from the Gray Shirts to join the 40+ crowd of 5 men on the large tire vs Rosie and YHC on the medium tire…TIE again (questionable judging).

Rosco passed the baton to Bobber for a Mosey back toward the flag and Mary

Bobber’s Mary

  • 15 Merkins OYO
  • Crunchy Frogs (a Balzer company favorite apparently)
  • Monkey Humpers
  • Merkin ROF

COT, COR, NOR and YHC took us out


  • Convergence on Monday for Memorial Day – 0700-0800 at Tredegar/Brown’s Island.  Meet in the parking lot.  Bring a friend.  Plan for ET’s afterwards if you can. No other AOs in action Monday.
  • Opus takes on the big stage at Dogpile for his Dogpile VQ on Saturday – come out and support Opus.
  • NEW SOT at Midlo Middle is up and running.  LugNut (the original SOT Captain) laid  his ship to rest with a solo send-off yesterday — well don, sir.


A great crew today at Timberwolf.  YHC personally was hoping to see Cougar Bait post again but it sounds like us old men put a whipping on him yesterday at SOT.  We must build out Bait’s stamina before we release him to the Cougars…looking forward to seeing you post again soon.

The color scheme and numbers were all set for some triple-check team madness until Mr. Roper sauntered in LIFO.  But, no worries, we made do.

Man oh man, that standing water on the edge of the field and track and the smell emanating from it instantly brought YHC back to muggy/muddy football practices.  Darn that stunk.

YHC always enjoys Rosco’s feats of strength and mano a mano combat drills.  Today, YHC, was able to establish some leverage and use it to his benefit…I’m sure a rematch is in the plans for the near future.

Great job today guys.  Take this energy into your day and make it great.

No More Gumbo For You!


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  1. Good work guys, my back is feeling those tires already. Glad Mr. Roper finally found us after his tour around the school. Best place to hide is in plain sight.

  2. Lot’s of fun passing around the hot potato. My fault for handing off to Bobber for Crunchy Frogs…..! I have to put some toys in the trunk for occasions like this impromptu Q. Gumbo, I will probably miss Twin Team tomorrow due to my son’s field trip. Great day today gents.

  3. Today was fun and challenging for sure. I may have made a mistake of handing the Q to Roscoe (dude is a beast)! Two laps……..I would have tried to convince you of an audible if I could have caught you! Great job by all today. That was a BIG 4 corners…………………..