Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

FNG Tubbs Visits Circus


Three of the faithful and one FNG posted at CircusMaximus with kettlebells in hand. Johnsonville (YHC) took the Q, and this is what went down, more or less —

warmup with 25x ssh, 25x imperial walkers, 25x don quiotes, 25x flutter kicks, plank sequence, long-time arm circles

mosey to sidewalk by bus loop for ciabatta lawnmower pulls, alternating arms.

mosey about 1/2 way down bus loop toward pump rd for ciabatta kb swings.

mosey to end of bus loop. run a brisk lap.

ciabatta merkins (feel the burn!) Chum would have been stronger on round 8 than round 1 (that is, had he bothered to get out of bed).

mosey around the school to the side facing pump rd. ciabatta WWII situps with KB presses at top.

10 burpees

KB carry back to VSF. Mary with Alabama prom dates, box cutters, and ‘merican hammers.

COT with Attila taking us out.

FNG Al Lombardy, introduced himself and presented himself for naming. But without the keen wit of DK, we were unable to come up with a fitting name on the spot, YHC having summarily rejected “Big Al”, “Weird Al”, and “Hemmeroid.” Upon reflection and in a state of 80s nostalgia, YHC takes note that a particularly heinous crime boss on Miami Vice was named “Al Lombard.” YHC thus names FNG Al Lombardy, “Tubbs.”

Good job men! Jville


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