18 sunrise samurais cut through the humidity this morning in order to escape the fartsack to gather at WDog for Wednesday morning beatdown and it went a little something like this…
Circle up in front of the Carillon SSH x 25
Helicopters x 10
Don Quixote x 10
Imperial Walkers x 10 Russian Soldiers x 10 Merkins x 10
LBC x 25
The Thang:
Short theatrical mosey to the orchestra pit of the Amphitheater of Pain (most underrated Motley Crue album)
11’s – burpees at the bottom, V-ups at the top. Thanks for Kubota for the technically exquisite demonstration of a V-up
Native American Run to the bottom or Love Hill
11’s at the amphitheater took longer in practice than they did your humble correspondent’s (YHC) imagination so he improvised with everybody’s favorite…. Partner Carry w Booya Merkins to the rim of the Valley of Doubt.
Dive Bombing the Valley of Doubt – 3 dive-bombers on this side, 4 on that side, 5 on this side – plank. That was fun, repeato. Again – thanks Kubota for the demo.
Time is short so back to the flag for…
LBC x 30
6 inches x 20
Alabama Prom Dates x 20 Hello Dolly x 20
All numbers approximate
Memorial Day Convergence – 7:00 at Tredegar. Bring a friend. Hot Potato Q for one hour. Second F to follow at ETs
Summer challenge starts Saturday. Phonics will post a pre-blast soon. Long and the short of it is that you aim to hit every AO this summer. Should be fun. Come to the convergence to get the bonus AO.
Lab Rat and Shakedown running at 11:30 like every Wednesday. Meeting Behind the Governor’s mansion – Text me if you want to meet en route (8043394365).
YHC took us out – Sugar Shack donuts and cold waters after
Ghost Flag: Since I won the GF repping SOJ I decided that WDog is neutral ground – that being said, Richmond Proper had the numbers though Tuckahoe and SOJ came strong. Vinny was kind enough to let me Q this morning even though he had his name on the Q sheet – since it was my 1 year he let me switch that out a couple weeks back Vinny left with the flag today and has some fun planned. Stay tuned
One year ago today, after being EHd by Viral, I posted for the first time at NoToll. It was raining and nobody seemed to notice. I liked that. I was hooked almost immediately. Over the last year F3 has become such an important part of my life that I can’t believe it took so long to find it to begin with. I wondered early if a freak like me would fit in with you gentleman of distinction and then I realized you are just a bunch of bozos like me (more or less). As I said in my prayer, I wake up every day grateful for another day and F3 is no small part of why I am grateful. Thank you guys for your hard work this morning and for doing what you do. I can be a bit of a cornball but screw it – I gotta be me. This thing we do is a blessing and we need to make sure we share it and keep it going for the next guy that needs it.
Have a great day guys!! See y’all in the gloom!
Thanks again guys! Great work this morning.
Solid Q Shakedown – way to push it up that hill during partner carries dude – and congrats again on year 1! Excellent words as you closed us out this morning as well..
Wed Hill Run tonight – Hillcrest – 5:30PM.
See y’all in the gloom…
Congrats on 1 year, Shakedown! It’s been awesome seeing everyone celebrate F3 milestones. Such a great accomplishment. Great job Richmond Proper on securing the Ghost Flag! Stay tuned for its next appearance. First clue. #OldSchool
Thanks Brother – you kicked that hills ass.
Loved it, and hated it! Love Hill is a bear even when you don’t have a Keymaster on your back (apologies to Keymaster as he did most of the carrying this morning). Congrats on the anniversary and solid Q!
Are we streaking the quad? Jello wrestling?
Great Q, Shakedown! My legs are heavy right now. Glad I could demonstrate v-ups and dive bombers(angry porpoises) in front of everyone this morning! My form only got worse as the workout went on. I always enjoy 11’s especially when I start off strong and in front of others and then slowly watch everyone pass me throughout the remainder of the workout. Great partner carrying, Tobit, even though I have about 30 lbs on you!
Shakedown, congrats on 1 year! I’m glad you are part of F3 and that I get the chance to try to keep up with you during workouts! Your before and after pictures still amaze me! Keep up the great work! Have a great Wednesday all!
Shakedown, first off, great Q.
Secondly, congratulations. It wasn’t that long ago we went biking and you had to turn back halfway up a hill. Now you are out there leading a very fit group of guys through a solid beat down, and otherwise out in the front of the pack when you aren’t Q. Impressive and inspiring. Which leads me to…
Third, Thanks for the EH, my friend. You, and this group, have made me want to be a better version of myself.
Nice Q Shakedown. My back was hurting but couldn’t miss your 1 year Q. Can’t imagine what we did for F3RVA before our resident photographer joined our PAX, Aye!
I think TYA just used to call the RTD to follow us and take pictures to put in the paper.
Sorry to miss the one year Q, looks like a good one. Giving up the Ghost Flag is just an opportunity to go get it back. Looking forward to more Shakedown Qs and pictures in the future.
Well done and congrats, Shakedown! Looks like to made Richmond Proper (and everyone else) earn it this morning. And, Amen and well said in the Moleskin my friend. One of the many great things about F3 is that it has brought together men from different walks of life who have a common goal (as Sugar Sock appropriately put it) – to be the best version of themselves that they can be. And, brother, if you weren’t being you, we wouldn’t love you so much. Its great to have you in the PAX. I look forward many more years (memorialized in pictures) working out with you! AYE!
Awesome Q, Shakedown, and congrats on 1 year! Looking forward to many more. ….Well said words this morning.
You destroyed love hill, Kubota. I’m pretty sure you toted me three quarters of the way up that hill!
From one freak/misfit to another, happy 1-year Shakedown. It’s been a pleasure to get to know you.
Hated to miss but I was running a shadow-Q over at Mary with my adult daughter. (Tried to get her to WDog but she insists on more practice first….)
Atta baby Saabski!
If there isn’t a picture of it… it didn’t really happen…. congrats Shakedown on 1 year… we are all different kinds of crazy but one brotherhood…
Thanks guys – all y’all
Feels like you’ve been around more than a year Shakedown. I guess you just post a lot. Solid Q, glad to know you.
Man on man! That was a GREAT Q! Bodos was crushing it today and great to have the one you want when you have so much to say, but can say nothing at all ….Marcel Marceau! Shakedown you’ve been a leader here since the beginning. Your strength of character and commitment has set the tone for us. The question to ask isn’t where you’d be without us, but where would we be without you! Here’s to many more.
Congrats on the anniversary! Hated to miss it but needed a rest day (yes, i said it!)