Thursday, December 12
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Holy flock of wool batman!


3 rested and ready posted on a Sunday morning for some fun on the trails.

We went buttermilk to northbank this morning, crossing back over on the T. Pottersfield bridge.


Vinny is a beast.  Today was his first posting at the Sunday trail run for a 7 mile jaunt and he slayed it.  I am not sure what Vinny’s longest previous recent run was, but this was further than he has gone in a little bit.  He was rock steady the whole way, just punching in the miles, staying steady and moving forward the whole time.  I love when existing F3 guys come out to the Sunday run and punch in 7 miles when they haven’t done that in a while.  The best part is that in a months of so, they are keeping up with the PAX and have no problem with the trails.  It is impressive….Go Vinny!!

Speaking of Vinny, he made us do 7 merkins in cadence following the run today in honor of his seven on the trails.  There was already a group of women looking at us curiously because they thought I had just got back from a swim (no kidding, they asked me), the merkins only added to us as an oddity.

Great to run with Shakedown this morning.  He slowed his pace to accommodate both Vinny and I.  Despite the heat, the trails were a pleasure this morning.  It seems that every man in Richmond (except the 3 of us) took care of the family this morning.  This left the moms open to hit the trails.  And hit the trails they did.  There were a lot of folks on the trails and most were female.  As Vinny or Shake accurately assessed, most of the women that run on trails are in pretty good shape.



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  1. THE Yankee Aggressor on

    Thanks for the run Gents. And thanks to Saab for the second F at ET’s after the run. Always a pleasure.

  2. Great run today gents! When I wasn’t worrying about tripping and falling off the trail and plummeting 100 feet down to my death, it was great to take in all the beauty Richmond has to offer. Running across Potters Bridge is just awesome. Big thanks to TYA and Shakedown for keeping me in their range, otherwise I’d still be out there.

    I can’t thank collective F3RVA enough for the past 2+ months. The core and stability training is the reason I was able to run 7 miles on trails today, pain free, despite having IT Band Syndrome for more than 20 years. As TYA pointed out, it’s been a very long time since I was able to complete a trail run of any distance. I’m super pumped that today went as it did. Can’t wait for the next one.

    And thanks for indulging the merkins in cadence. I couldn’t think of a more fitting way to celebrate the collective accomplishment and brotherhood.

  3. Good fun guys. I enjoyed the run and the conversations – wish I could have come for 2nd F but I was pushing it as it was.

  4. Tclaps Vinny. The trails are a true treasure of RVA. Sorry I couldn’t make it this morning.

  5. By they way…love the BB Title TYA. Well played on securing the trails for all the damsels. Very gentlemanly.

  6. I have it on good authority that at least 50% are Brazilian or close cousins – anything to make running smoother.