Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Rinse & Repeat


No Q, and originally there were no repeats from last week.  Problem solved, rinse and repeat last week.  White Deer arrived without Johnsonville, and eventually Johnsonville LIFO’ed due to a faulty alarm.  A PAX  of 5 linked arms for another Thursday morning of clanging KBs, and here is how it went down:

  • COP
    • 25 SSH
    • 25 IW
    • 16 DQ
    • 25 helicopters
    • 10 2x merkins
    • 25 FM
    • 10 burpees
    • Run the bus loop
  • Lucky Bus Loop – farmers carry to the four quadrants of the bus loop, perform 15 reps of a certain exercise, adding a new exercise for each quadrant, with a total of 8 at the end
    • Lawnmower pulls – each arm (8x)
    • High pulls (7x)
    • Sit ‘n presses (6x)
    • KB swings (5x)
    • Lunges (4x)
    • Halos (3x)
    • American hammers (2x)
    • Weighted squats
  • Farmers carry the bus loop
  • Boat/canoe
  • COT with YHC taking us out

Great work by the PAX today.  A lot of clipboarding/mumble chatter from White Deer, so it was an appropriate onboarding for Loose Goose.  Great to have him join us.  Do not be a stranger!  Also great to have HoneyDo throwing around his 35 lbs KB today.  Word of wisdom, do not leave your KB laying around in HoneyDo manor.  The M will have none of that.  You will never see it again.

God is good all the time!



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