Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Do we know our shapes?


1, 2, 3, 4 PAX climbed out of their fartsacks and hoisted some iron.  Here’s how YHC remembers it.


10 Don Quixotes    20 LBC’s   30 SSH   10 arm circles (small, big then reverso)

20 mountain climbers   30 jump squats

Mosey to bus loop for Opus’s graduation ceremony, where mumbechatter centered our need to create F3 lyrics for this hallowed ceremony.  Nice job Opus!  and you are hereby appointed to get the lyrics going.

Mosey to back of the school and onto the track for 4 corners.  Start with 20 KB swings, forward lunge to 1st corner, 40 slingshots, side lunge to next corner, 60 lawnmowers, back lunge to next corner (interrupted by 5 pullups on the playground equipment), 80 goblet squats.

Sit down on the track in a circle, backs to each other, and play pass the KB for a few minutes, first to your left, then to your right.  Do the hokey pokey and turn yourself around, cause that’s what it’s all about!

Mosey to SF, 10 merkins, 10 situp presses, 10 figure 8’s, 20 halos and 20 good mornings to finish it off.

Numberama, namerama, YHC took us out.


YHC has been hurting lately due to some disc irritation in my neck, so wasn’t sure how this morning would turn out.  However, seems like F3 and KB are good for my neck!   There was mumblechatter during the four corners that “there are no corners, what are you doing here!” as well as debate about the logic of backward lunges.  The PAX also complained about the extra walk around the school.  Thankfully YHC was able to ignore them with ease–practice makes perfect.

Prayers go out to Mudface’s friend and his family, keep them and their son in your thoughts.

Congrats again to Opus for moving up in weight….who’s next??

As usual, I have No Idea what I’m doing.


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  1. After a couple days rest it was good to be back in the PAX. Thoroughly enjoyed the mumblechatter this morning. Great Q No Idea. 80 Goblet Squats, WHAT!!!

    See you fellas in the Friday gloom!

  2. Had a blast this morning. Mudface can talk some trash. Thanks for the graduation ceremony. Be ready for the smurph.