Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

No Rain, Just Some Nightmares


Flag was planted at 5:15, and the headlights started rolling in. At 5:30, we’re off and the beat down went something like this:

Mosey to soccer field for warmarama:
IC: 22 x SSH, 9 x Don Quixote, 22 x LBC

Mosey to pavilion for a Dora:
100 x Merkins, 200 x LBC, 302 x squats

Mosey to basketball courts for a triple check:
Partner 1 – bear crawl from half court to baseline, 5 merkins, run back to half court
Parter 2 – American Hammers
Partner 3 – Coppherhead Squats

Stay on basketball courts for a little Four Corner Escalator:
First corner – 10 merkins
Second corner – 10 merkins, 20 LBC’s
Third corner – 10 merkins, 20 LBC’s, 30 2-Count Mountain Climbers
Fourth corner – 10 merkins, 20 LBC, 30 2-Count Mountain Climbers, 40 SSH
Bear crawl the short sides, run the long sides.

Line up in the area between the two courts facing the fence by the parking lot.  Varying methods of travel to the fence, 10 donkey kicks, run back.  Methods of travel to the fence:
Bear crawl, high knee, butt kickers, karaoke each side.

Line up and tour YHC’s favorite AO, Native American style:  down the entrance road, around the far side of the parking lot, around the edge of all the soccer fields and back to the basketball courts.

Modified ring of fire:
All PAX hold a plank, while two men opposite each other bear crawl to the center for 9 boo-yah merkins, and Reverse bear crawl back to circle.  Hold plank until all PAX complete their 9 merkins.

Quick Mary on our sixes as rain began to fall on our faces:
22 x flutter kicks
22 x LBC’s


See Wilson for charity golf tournament 5/18

See Shakedown for St. Baldrick’s shave 6/18

See Lab Rat for Dogpile and Mosey on shirts

See Viral for tool bank information/tours (or to lead a cheer)



I have heard it mentioned by others that sleep comes fleetingly on the night before a VQ, and I can verify.  I woke up with two nightmarish starts: in the first, I had overslept the alarm and missed the thing entirely.  In the second I had lead the workout, and then somehow disappeared before COT and couldn’t remember everyone who was there to write the back blast. And then there is the gif shakedown posted to twitter yesterday while I worried – not worried, planned around – the rain.  Which never really came after all!

As I said during COT, this group has pushed me to accomplish things I didn’t think possible.  I organized today’s based on my own experiences:  I have been coming to F3 for 9 months, lost 22 pounds, and shaved 6:02 off my 10k since last year (100+200+302=602).  The Ring of Fire at the end was a throwback to my first post, lead by Hardywood.  After suffering through that beat down, I was sure I’d never come back, despite Viral’s assurances that I should stick with it, that “it will get easier.”  But that activity at the end, with guys cheering each other on and working together, showed me that F3 was something special, and I came back.  I know I am not alone.  F3 has impacted all of us, and what we have is incredibly special.  Its been a hell of a ride with you all in the gloom, and it was an honor to lead you men this morning.

Great work out there!

Sugar Sock out


About Author


  1. It didn’t take me long to figure out that the activities I had planned weren’t going to take this group of elite warriors 45 minutes to complete. Apologies for the donkey kicks while I worked out what else to do. Some wisdom was shared with me on the run, “you need 5 things” not the 3 I had imagined.

    To the PAX, that underestimation of your elite-ness won’t happen again!

  2. Way to bring the pain, Sugar!

    @ALL hit me up if you are interested in touring the Toolbank this Thursday at 830AM with coffee and donuts (looking at you, Gumbo!) to learn more about how we equip non-profits, businesses, anyone with charitable intent to cheaply have all the right equipment to successfully finish projects all around Central Virginia.

    bbassett (at) gmail (dot) com


  3. First – great VQ Sugar Sock and congrats on the accomplishments over the last 9 months. For the record, it hasn’t gotten easier, you have gotten stronger. Way to work. Great having you in the Q rotation (unless you hate bearcrawls). Way to play to your strengths.

    Viral – I do love a good donut. Nice gif btw – I think there is a themed beatdown for a tag-team Q in there somewhere. I’ll bring the Pom-poms.

  4. Looks like a great Q, Sugar Sock! Sorry I couldn’t make it. Am definitely looking forward to the next SS Q! Yes, I still remember my lack of sleep before my VQ. And I agree with Gumbo about it doesn’t get easier, you just stronger comment! Well done!

  5. Well done Sugar Sock, coming up with things on the fly is not easy but you handled it like a pro. Not even the slightest of hiccups in the counting too, that might be the most impressive part. It only seems easier because you have gotten stronger and apparently lighter as well.
    Looking forward to the Viral/Gumbo cheerleading themed beatdown.

  6. Hellz yeah! Was planning on making the trek, but got the opportunity to Q DaVille, which paled in comparison it seems. Well done, welcome to the rotation.

  7. Sugar Sock, nicely done, a good combination and it is great to hear of the accomplishments in 9 months. I look forward to more from your corner.

  8. Yeah buddy!!! Way to roll Sugar Sock. You were like a pro out there. Huge congrats on your accomplishments and thank you so much for sharing them. Kudos to Shakedown from bringing you.

    Of all the hard things we do, trying to get the courage to get a sad clown out of the fart sack can be the hardest. Let’s all be like Shakedown and get some EHing done!

  9. My last 2 outings have been with VQs what’s amazing is the stories of the impact of F3 and how their lives have changes is truly amazing!! I am grateful to call you all my brothers of the Gloom. Great Q and thanks for sharing your story it means the world to hear and see guys giving it their all out there..

  10. Excellend VQ and your counting was on point! You handled exercises vs timing perfectly. Keep us moving and all is well! Get it all out….9 months and 22 lbs. REPRESENT BROTHER!!
    Only those who post understand!! Loud and Proud, baby!!