Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

“What you got in mind?”


YHC arrived this morning to Virgin Q and Virgin post for Timberwolf with Rosie and Tuco waiting. Bobber arrived with a few minutes to spare and Honeymoon came in hot and solo for New Market nano region. Shovel flag planted….yes YHC finally made his…..and 5 PAX members escaped the fart sack for a YHC Q with a dreaded exercise as a common theme for the Q. 0530….mosey time. Headed toward the tennis courts with Rosie asking YHC, “What you got in mind, Flatline?” YHC responded, “The track?” YHC immediately thought, “Our my thoughts that obvious?” Or Rosie has seen enough Q’s from YHC to know.

PAX ran 1 lap around the track to COP on the soccer field: Don Quixote x 10, Helicopter x 11, Copperhead Squat x 12, Imperial Walker x 13, Flutter Kicks x 14, LBC x 15.

Burpee Mile: 12 burpees, one lap and repeat x 4 for 48 burpees and 1 mile run.

Mosey to entrance of Timberwolf for Burp Back Hill: Partner up. Partner 1 runs backwards up the hill, turns at cones and runs downhill facing forwards back to start, while Partner 2 performs burpees, switch, repeat for total of 100 burpees.

Mosey to tennis courts, 4 corners: x 10 Squat, x 20 SSH, x 30 LBC, x 40 Mnt. Climbers and reverse back down. Run length of the courts and crab walk or bear crawl on the sides. Mosey to soccer field with Honeymoon stating ,”the flag is the other way.” Not yet buddy, we have more time.

50 yrd sprints with 5 burpees for length of the soccer field and back=x4, 50 yrd sprints and 20 more burpees. YHC was informed that there was a gate at tennis courts so no need to run around them again. YHC obliged and through the courts back to the flag with 1 minute to spare.

Ring of Fire: 10 merkins each and time’s up!!

Number-ama, Name-r-ama, and Announcements: CSAUP for next year. Find a team. Good luck to Tuco today and his interview with HCA! YHC took us out.

NMS:  Rosie officially has YHC understood….like my big brother but YHC is older! Burpees are just awesome and terrible at the same time. Tuco, glad to see you again and YHC hopes everything works out soon for you and your family and you are in RVA permanently!! Honeymoon, thank you for intel on tennis courts and the gate! Tell Marmaduke YHC said congrats and hope all is well! Yes, YHC is competitor but no anger……all heart and this morning PAX tried to get it all out!!

Gentlemen, thank you for following and have a super blessed day. Only those who post understand!

Loud and Proud!!



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  1. Holy Burpee Batman…damn glad I missed this one. Good work men.

    See you at Twin Team tomorrow, where there will be possibly No GLAM, definitely NO BURPEES and, either way, plenty of running.

  2. Well done Flatline. I can’t quite read your mind but I always know it’s going to be punishing so I have that going for me. I also have a window into Gumbo’s mind, as I told Flatline I was expecting a NO GLAM TwinTeam, maybe with some namesake thrown in.