Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

The Simpsons


Fourteen reruns and 1 brand new episode (FNG) descended on Mary today for a Splinter led themed beatdown.  After a short mosey halfway around the track we circled up for some fun that went something like this:

The Homer – 15x modified helicopters, reaching around Homer’s spare tire at mid-waist
The Marge – 10x jump squats, trying to touch the top of Marge’s hair
The Lisa – Lisa likes perfection so we followed along with Saab and did 15 or so Don Quixotes
The Bart – On your six, with a marker between your toes, flutter kicks pretending like you are drawing Bart’s haircut.  20 or so of those
The Maggie – Maggie does nothing but make a sucking noise.  Burpees suck so we did 10 of them OYO.

The Thang
Short mosey over to the long edge of the tennis courts for a little Simpson’s trivia.  What is Homer Simpson’s job?  Someone quickly replied Safety Inspector for Sector 7G.  YHC decided to go nuclear on the next exercise.  Bear Crawl 1-2-3.  Partner up where one partner bear crawls to the net and back while the other performs exercises.  100 merkins, 200 LBCs, 300 squats.  Plankorama when done.

Circle up for the next section of trivia.  According to Homer, what is the cause of and solution to all of life’s problems?  Two Can sort of guessed it with beer, but alas it is alcohol.  In F3 the cause and solution are burpees.  So we did 10 minutes of them.

Quick jaunt over to the wall for triple check with a brief explanation that one of YHCs favorite episodes is Homer at the Bat.  Baseball, triple, get it?  Explanation cut short and focused on triple check: donkey kicks, plank, karaoke.

Speed round lap of catch me if you can with 1 partner running backwards while the other completes 10 merkins and then runs forward to catch up.  One lap then Al Gore for the six.

Mosey back to the flag for numbers, names and YHC took us out.

YHC hasn’t done a themed workout in a while, well, if you exclude March Madness.  Looking at the calendar YHC was reminded of the introduction of The Simpsons on April 19, 1987 on the Tracy Ullman Show.  Seems like a fitting tribute.

Homer at the Bat is arguable one of the top 5 Simpsons episodes of all time and one of YHCs favorites.  Homer leads a team of misfits through an undefeated season in the corporate softball league with his “Wonder Bat”.  In the championship game, naturally against the Shelbyville nuclear power plant team, Mr. Burns decides he is going to hire a bunch of professional baseball players in made up jobs at the plant so he can cement his win.  Through a series of very comical errors and misfortunes all of the professional players are injured or cannot play thus leaving the original team.  All with the exception of 1.  Darryl Strawberry can play so Homer sits out.  I won’t ruin it for anyone that wants to watch the end.  If you need the DVD just let me know.   Baseball led me to the triple check, thus the long winded story.

Catch em if you Can is another great but somewhat obscure Simpsons episode.  Homer and Marge trick their kids into staying home on a vacation instead of visiting family out of town.  Instead, Homer and Marge decide to hit up Miami Beach, AC and other venues.  Bart and Lisa find out and decide to chase them around the US.  The perfect satire of the typical American family.  Our tribute to this was catch me if you can.

YHC had a few other references planned but somewhat glad we didn’t get to them as I cherry picked the things that I really wanted to do.

Anyway, hope the PAX enjoyed the trip down memory lane.  Kudos to whomever it was that pulled the Sector 7G reference.  A true fan!

Splinter out



  1. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Nice one Splinter. Been awhile since we have done 10 min of Burpees – wow !
    Way to work guys – see y’all in the gloom..

  2. Great Q, Splinter! Welcome Noodle and great partner work on the Bear Crawl 123! Have a great Thursday all!

  3. Homer participating on the school debate team – arguing against keeping the national speed-limit restriction at 55mph:

    “Sure it will save lives, but thousands will be late!”

  4. What a Q Splinter! That was a total smokefest. Great job Synchro and welcome Noodle. Have a great day fellas.

  5. Steve Sax is still being investigated for being from New York City, where there are a lot of unsolved murders.

    “You play right field? I play right field. Are you better than me?”

  6. Smithers…. Summons the Hounds….Buy the Widow a Ham. Mr. Burns Quotes are some of my favorite…I felt like Mr Burns after 10 minutes of Burpees…ugh. Emmm Bacon on the Beach