Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Watch out for the milk truck


A group of 5 gentlemen arose to enjoy a crisp morning at Heartbreak Ridge.  Here’s what went down:

Mosey around the school and then circle up in front.

COP: SSH, Imperial walkers (with a redo b/c YHC is a bit rusty at Qing), Helicopters, Don Q

Mosey to the Race track for a 4 x 100: 25 each of Flutter kicks, squats, lbcs, and merkins at the four corners of the track, 4 laps.

2 sets of dips on each of the grand stands.

Mosey up to the parking lot for sprints at 50% and 80%.

Next, mosey to the side of the school and complete a burpee at each post.

Finally, a Triple check: Donkey kicks, Lt Dans, curb to curb bear crawls  after we dodge the milk truck.

COT – Atilla took us out.

Announcements: preorders are setup for Dogpile and mosey on F3 shirts.  Loose Goose volunteered to make a West End order to save on shipping.


OK, I know it’s a lame title but there was next no mumble chatter.  Tclaps to Loose Goose who was killing out there and to Gomer Pyler who is recovering from a foot injury but showed no signs of tapering.  It was a pleasure gentlemen.

Ronnie out.


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  1. Great job with the Q Ronnie. Way to keep us to 45 minutes. Apparently that did not happen last week.

  2. I knew last week felt long. Ha. Sorry I wasn’t there to stir up some mumblechatter.

  3. I was happy to do a few more minutes last week to make up for the break.