Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Is that you Paul Bunyan?


5 PAX showed up in the gloom at Source of Truth for a lumberjack style workout in the chilly air.


Warm up:

SSH, The Hillbilly -> Yeehaw!, Cherry / Cotton Pickers, ‘Murcans

Mosey to the track with some coupons (in this case 4 fresh hewn logs with notches for hand holds even crooked ones Wilson, a sledgehammer and focus mitts)

2 laps around the track OYO

Circuit (with logs, hammer and truck tires); 45 seconds at each station for Military Press, Curls for the girls, one arm rows, skull crushers, tire flip, and hitting a tire with the sledgehammer (thanks to Moonshine for demonstrating proper technique) 2x through then one lap around the track OYO 1 more time through the circuit followed by some Focus Mitt training (serious fun! no wonder boxers have cannonball shoulders) Then one more time through the circuit and mosey back to the flag for 25 LBCs and the end.

COR, NOR, announcements, “By this we know that we know Him, if we keep his commandments” 1John 2:3


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  1. That was a serious beat down. Simple & effective! I REALLY enjoyed the Focus Mitts (now I know what they are called)! All day I described them as the things on your hands you punch. Think I might have some pent up anger…. Always enjoy you Roscoe! Your the man. What is in your car that requires you to carry your keys or hide them with the squirrels is a conversation for another day!