Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Maybe, just maybe


2 PAX showed up, and here is how it went down.

Ran 2 miles, stopping every half mile for 20 burpees, 30 SSH, 40 American hammers, and 50 mountain climbers.  Retrace the route, sprinting for 45 seconds every half mile.  Return to the parking lot, bear crawl long sides, partner carry short sides, mosey to SF for 150 LBC’s, 150 Freddie Mercurys.  Yeah, that’s the ticket….



2 PAX showed up, ran for 3 miles, called it a day.

As usual, I have no idea what I’m doing.

No Idea


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  1. Version 1 is much more impressive. I would go with that one

    I wonder when Jon Lovitz started using “Yeah, that’s the ticket.”. In the Carson clip, he kept saying, Yeah, that’s what happened” instead.