Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Introduction to John Merkinroe


Four Batteau regulars, plus one from far away places gathered for a quasi-hot potato workout.  Weather was a touch windy, but otherwise pleasant.  Lab Rat offered to take the Q, but Vinnie had a plan to try out so we stuck with the hot potato…Sippy jumped in at the end to make it official.

COP- SSH, IW, Helicopters, DQ, arm circles, hand release merkins, LBC.


John Merkinroe- 4 corners on the tennis courts,  5 hand wipe merkins?, 15 werkins, 30 merkins, 40 hand release merkins (ouch).  Then partner up, 1 partner does tennis court tracers while partner 2 does excercises:  WW2 situps, and hello dollies.

Love Hill of Ill Repute:  Partner up and run the hill/do exercises while making your way up:  Lt Dans, Broad Jump Burpees, and walk out merkins.

Rock planks:  Grab a rock and partner up.  Partner holds plank with rock on back, other partner does 20 WW2 situps.  Switcheroonies.

Pass the baby:  everybody on their sixes side by side.  Pass the rock from one person to the next and back.  Repeato slowly.


Lab Rat is off work this week for kids’ spring break so decided to travel this morning.  Batteau is a really cool AO that normally is just too dang far to make, but it was an easy decision this morning with no rush to be anywhere until later.

Vinnie has been perusing the exicon, presumably getting ready for a VQ.  He wanted a taste this morning, and thoroughly thumped YHC’s arms with a buttload of merkins.  The snot wipers…..or whatever they call them….where tough.  Also, 40 hand releases brought out the groan machine!

Great way to start the day.  Breathe deep and be thankful.

Apology of the week goes to the Forest Hill neighborhood residents.  Sorry that I rode around looking like a prowler this morning looking for the AO instead of using a smart phone and actual directions.  No harm, no foul though.

Lab Rat apologizes…


About Author

Need somebody to talk incessantly during a long run? Ask you questions while you are gasping for breath? I'm your guy.


  1. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Great to have Labrat with us this morning… Welcome back in town dude..
    Way to work guys – great way to start the week..
    See y’all in the gloom..

  2. Enjoyed the work out this morning. Love Hill never gets any easier. Rock planks were a nice touch. Thanks for letting me introduce y’all (somewhat) to John Merkinroe. I have a feeling he’ll be back.