Seven posted for the next to last Gridiron of March, including six regulars and special guest Lip Sync visiting from Wake County, NC. Warmed up with Invisible Jumpropes, DQs, IWs, Arm Circles, Russian Soldiers, and a couple few Burpees.
Moseyed through Pouncey Tract Park to a point near the volleyball courts and completed another round of Burpees. Entered the woods via the trail and alternated Walking Russian Soldiers and Walking Imperial Walkers, switching at each creek crossing. Exited the woods and made a slow mosey around the baseball fields to the path intersection at the side of the tennis courts. Starting there, moseyed following the path headed east around the tennis courts and through the trees to to the trailside manhole cover for 50 x Merkins. Head back trail to the intersection and then north on the other trail to the edge of the woods for 50 x Freddy Mercuries. Return on the trail to the intersection for 50 x Squats. Complete 4 more rounds of this same circuit with 50 reps of different chest, ab, and leg exercises, including Wide Grip Merkins, Close Grip Merkins, Carolina (Wake County) Dry Docks, Scorpion Merkins (alternating legs), Hello Dollys, Box Cutters, Flutter Kicks, and LBCs (150 of these), Side Lunges, Back Lunges, Captain Morgan Squats, and 50 count Air Sit.
Jog back to the parking lot via the wooded trail. COT and Attila took us out.
Nice work fellas. Apologies for the late backblast.