Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

A Prostitute Twist


On what we hope to be the last post in 30 degree weather for a while, 5 PAX rolled into SOT for a great start to their day.


SSH x 20

DQ x 10

Copperhead Squats x 10

Helicopters x 10

LBC x 20

Merkins x 10

Arm Circles x 15, Front and Back

Mosey to main entrance of school

Partner up –

Runner around the parking lot while other partner does exercises to completion as a group.

Round 1 – Runner, 100 Box Jumps, 200 Incline Merkins

Round 2 – Runner, 100 Decline Merkins, 200 Squats

Mosey to Basketball Courts

Prostitution Ladder

With 4 goal on each side of courts, that leaves 8 Complete stations.  Start with #1 and do that exercise with 1 rep, move to #2, different exercise for 2 reps, return to station 1 and do that station again.  Continue all the way up to 8 stations do each exercise for that amount of reps every time you pass by it.

Station 1 – 1 Burpee

Station 2 – 2 Jump Squats

Station 3 – 3 WWIISit ups

Station 4 – 4 Monkey Humpers

Station 5 – 5 (2) Count American Hammers

Station 6 – 6 SSHs

Station 7 – 7 LBCs

Station 8 – 8 Burpees

Al Gore when finished

As a group lunge to the end of basketball court.

Mosey back around bus loop to the flag

30 seconds left, 3 Burpees OYO

Numberama, Namerama, Wilson took us out!

Announcements – CSAUP fast approaching


A lot of chatter this morning.  Good to see Tobit out again SOJ style, I believe he is becoming a regular and we are glad to see it.  Also glad to see Bobber back out, still waiting on him to pull the Hallsey crew together and get our brother McRib back out.  Wilson complained cause Wilson complains even with a smile on his face, but he powered through like he always does even though #runningsucks. YHC thought it would be nice to throw a mix into the regular Prostitute exercise and incorporate the ladder with it, appreciate you guys indulging me on that.  Tip of the hat to Gumbo and Tobit, they crushed the Prostitute Ladder and led the PAX the entire way.  Thanks for letting me lead this group, always an honor fellas!  Have a great day, take care of each other and hug your loved ones!




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  1. Marmaduke-great Q! I wouldn’t say I was complaining, but stating that you chose Wilson’s “favorite” exercises! That’s for pushing me!!! That prositute twist was brutal!!

  2. Thanks for leading this morning Marmaduke….nice Q! Thoroughly enjoyed the prostitute! No doubt she’ll show up again.

  3. Great Q Marmaduke. The Prostitute Twist was fun and a killer at the same time. Trying to keep up with Tobit almost killed me – thanks for the motivation Tobit.

    Great job guys!