Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Dig Deeper


YCH was first on scene this morning, 0519, which means “Big Blue” is at Spider Run….I think. 11 PAX members posted for, what always has the potential to be comical,  a Flatline Q. 9 members at 0530 with 2 arriving late. Mosey to the parking lot at soccer fields!

COP- YHC had in his head to start with helicopters but called out windmills. Than started performing helicopters….DAM, YHC could not get through 1 exercise without f–cking up the COP. Comical from the very get go!! OK reset…..first exercise is helicopters x 13. Imperial Walkers x 15. SSH x 17, LBC x 19. Merkins x 15. Mosey to end line of first soccer field.

Modified Partner Barrow. Partner up for wheelbarrows, length of soccer field. Partner 1 walks as far as possible and when he stops, both partners perform 25 PLT (partner leg toss). Switch and repeat to the other end line. Rosie and Tobit motored across the field and Roscoe and Marmaduke performed several more rounds of PLT than Rosie and Tobit. BUT, Marmaduke WAY TO FINISH walking on your knuckles!!! Respect my friend.  YHC was odd man out so YHC bear crawled and knee bent his way across the field with every 10 steps performing 10 merkins. When finished switch partners and repeat exercise but when a PAX member stopped, this time 25 mountain climbers together. There was some racing in the last 50 yards and if you ain’t bumping you ain’t racing!  Mosey to grass in front of the bleachers. Rosie, Hardywood, and Marmaduke=RESPECT!

SUPER 21……several months ago, YHC tried this OYO with epic fail….lost count, exercises were wrong, slightly poor leadership and audible called for another exercise. This am, super 21 was IC with YHC leading. PAX members asked to spreadout and here you go….1 merkin (IC), 1 situp (OYO); 2 merkin (IC), 2 situps(OYO); 3(IC) merkin, 3 situps(OYO) till we had reached 21 merkins(IC), 21 situps(OYO). Rosie asked for a break at round 15 with a lap around the parking lot. Glad to oblige!! This took up the majority of No Toll’s morning!! And yes, this exercise is in the exicon on F3 site!! BOOM DONE!!

With 3 minutes to spare, mosey to end line of soccer field for AYG field sprint to the other side!!!

Mosey back to parking lot. Number-ama, Name-r-ama, Announcements….Labrat’s family could use all the prayers we can send! Marmaduke may be expanding his family next week so PAX members wished him well. SOJ CSAUP sign up list for grub, fluid, snacks, bag balm, etc is getting ready for distribution. Heads up SOJ!!

YHC took us out!

NMS-lots of mumble chatter at No Toll this am. Mr. Roper was slightly late with Flashdance showing up at his regular time looking like……….you guessed it, Cat burglar!!! YHC still has not mastered the COP! Mr. Roper does not wear a watch to post. He politely asked to be notified when 0600 was upon us….and off he went. YHC was going to hot potato the Q this am, maybe next time.

Mr. Roper informed the PAX that he was a lesbian in a man’s body. And yes, he drives a 4runner!! Coincidence…….maybe. And, Shakedown has visited Babe’s several times-maybe more than he wants to admit. And yes, Shakedown drives a 4runner too!! Roscoe seemed confused when Shakedown spoke of Babe’s. YHC politely asked, “Lip Stick or Chap Stick lesbian.” No Response! Mr. Roper had a shirt once that said, “Drink till she’s cute.” YHC did too…..rat year at ring figure!! PAX members…..bad night for YHC!!!

SUPER 21….way to finish, get it all out, and be super!! Arm explosive workout men. Flashdance, when your well goes dry, DIG DEEPER!!! Perfectly said Hardywood!! YHC believes 287 merkins, and 287 situps. YHC is not good with exponentials; Big Data can you confirm the number? Gentlemen, thank you for following this am and finishing Super 21!!

YHC’s day off to a BOOM start and God Bless! Only those who post understand!!

Loud and Proud!!



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  1. Awesome Q this morning, Flatline! That Super 21…not so super. By my count, we did 231 merkins and sit-ups.

    Thanks for pushing us this AM!

  2. Flange decided to crawl to the halfway point of the field on that partner wheel barrel, so I figured I’d better dig deeper and match it. way to set the tone, and great push all around in that event.

    That super 21 was no joke, man. I appreciated all the commentary by the PAX through that one, got me through it while staying in a positive place. I learned to bend my elbows on a different angle underneath me instead of out to the sides and create a completely different merkin to power through the 20 and 21 rounds.

    Nothing the day throws at us is difficult compared to that, men. Sets the tone for the day – As Flatline says, only those who post understand!

  3. Well Gumbo is definitely sorry and not sorry after reading that.

    Very sorry that I missed Roscoe’s first post to NoToll. I hope he enjoyed the additional fellowship, though it sounds like it might have been more than he bargained for.

    NOT SORRY that I chose to give my shoulder a rest and hit Spider Run this morning. Wheel barrows AND Super 21…YIKES. Respect!

    Marmaduke – your New Market crew threw you to the wolves solo? What up with that?

    Way to work fellas!

  4. Great Q Flatline! Super 21s are insane, as well partnering barrow with Rosco!! What was I thinking?!?! Way to lead Flatline and stay the course when we were calling for a rest.

    Gumbo – we will let the NM Crew slide this time as there were some plans already in the making, something about work, if you’re into that sort of thing!

  5. Great job Flatline. You threw the PAX off early with the helicopters/windmills but stepped it up to make sure we couldn’t lift our arms to do either by the end. Super 21 is no joke, my shoulders haven’t been that tired since one of those November merkin-a-thons.

  6. Boom city! Way to get is all out. This goes down as one of the more challenging workouts in a long time. 21s will definitely be making another appearance. Welcome Rosco! Excellent to have you and way to push. Thanks to Mr. Roper for being croctastic today. And who would have thought that this group had so much collective knowledge about Lillith Fair and Babes. Keep on being super fellas!!