Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

3 for 5 at River Run


A trio of SOJ regulars and SOJ CSAUP participants posted on this crisp Monday morning to log some miles.  With YHC’s knee feeling a little wonky this weekend, a mostly flat route winding through the River Downs neighborhoods – both North and South of Robious Road.  The pace was modest and we got stuck crossing Robious a couple times, but we put in a solid 5.1 miles and conquered one short but steep climb on Post Mill.  Great work guys!  A good run and better fellowship.

COT, Number-rama, Name-a-rama and YHC took us out.

No More Gumbo for You!


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  1. Great route Gumbo. Yep, fellowship was way better than fitness this morning. Way to start the week men. Loud and Proud!