Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

No Snow


3 kettle bell monsters (1 was a LIFO) landed in the parking lot for a (mostly) snowless fight and that went like this…

COP all IC – 20 SSHs, 20 imperial walkers, 20 copperhead squats, 10 helicopters, 10 don quixotes, arm circles

Mosey to the parking lot

Swing – Goblet Ladder – 10 two-handed swings / 10 goblet squats, continue to do 10 two-handed swings but reduce the goblet squat by one… repeat until down to 10 two-handed swings / 1 goblet squat

Sit-up Press and Go – partner up, one person does sit-up presses while the other walks around the bus loop holding up the kettle bell high.

Beast Mother – Circle up. Start with two reps on each side and add two reps until peak at eight reps on both sides of the following: one arm swing, clean & press, snatch, front squat press

Sit-up Press and Go – partner up, one person does sit-up presses while the other walks around the bus loop holding up the kettle bell high.

Goblet – Swing Ladder – 10 two-handed swings / 10 goblet squats, continue to do 10 goblet squats but reduce the two-handed swings by one… repeat until down to 10 goblet squats / 1 two-handed swing

Numerama, Namerama, Announcements, YHC took us out

Announcements – Continue to pray for Lab Rat’s Dad and for Lab Rat


The forecast called for snow. There was no snow but there were a bunch of no shows… BUT Mudface was in the parking lot when YHC arrived and that was enough for a kettle bell party.

YHC and Mudface moved to the school entrance for a COP. Mudface asked how we could circle up with only two guys. We (awkwardly) faced each other as YHC called cadence and he yelled out numbers. The teamwork was perfect and somehow we found ourselves missing Lab Rat’s constant talking and Emoji’s crazy numbers.

We moved to the parking lot for a change of scenery and No Idea rolled in. He shared how he was halfway to the AO when he realized that his kettle bell was still at home. He still made it in time for a large majority of the pain. There was little to no mumble chatter during the ladder. The Beast Mother provided a sizable challenge for us and the PAX pushed through with vengeance.

The PAX was greeted by snow at 6:13 am right as the goblet-swing ladder completed and we were finishing up.

YHC shared that the snow is like God’s love coming down on us. No Idea said, “What? Is God’s love cold and unwelcome like this snow??” YHC responded, “sometimes it is tough love and that is what makes us stronger and more disciplined.” Love comes in many forms… Love isn’t saying, “Yes, do whatever you want whenever you want.” True love requires sacrifice and sometimes true love is tough love. F3 provides tough love and discipline every morning in the gloom! We experienced that again this morning!!

See you in the gloom!

The Carpenter


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  1. Looks like a good One Carpenter! Sorry I had to miss this morning since the M is out of town.

  2. The Carpenter on

    Thank you for letting me lead this morning. There is nothing better than starting the day with the PAX in the GLOOM!