Three posted for the last Punisher before the start of Daylight Saving Time next week. Moseyed to the grass and started with Invisible Jump Ropes x 15, Imperial Walkers x 15, Russian Soldiers x 15, Don Quixotes x 15, and Arm Circles x 10 (big only and both ways) – with LBCs x 25 after each of the others.
Jogged around the back of LHES for some running warmups on the blacktop. Running from the south end of the black top to the approximate location of Canada on the U.S. Map, completed High Knees, Butt Kickers, Side Hops, and Back Pedals both ways. Finished with a 50% sprint to Canada and back and then a 75% sprint off the other end of the blacktop.
Moved to the soccer field for a double ladder involving Merkins and Squats. Started with 21 Merkins on one side of one soccer goal and completed a Lunge Walk around to the other side of the goal for 21 Squats. Jogged to the other end of the field for 20 of each. We continued, including the full field jog, until about 16 reps of each remained, then audibled, in the interest of time, to stay at one end and complete the double ladder.
With a couple of minutes to spare, moseyed back around the school for one more set of LBCs and a couple of minutes of Chum Yoga. Finished with a COT and YHC took us out.
Welcome back Nightcrawler. Sonny has a nice streak going. For those of you not ready to “spring forward” next Monday morning, come on out to the Punisher. We guarantee daylight next Monday evening.
Chum is fum.