4 River Run regulars purchased tickets for the River Downs Rollercoaster and started the morning by destroying some hills SOJ…after LugNut nicely moved his vehicle to clear space for the concerned bus driver…
Route was around the loop by the high school, right on Robious Road (on the walking path), take a left and cross over onto Riverdowns South, 2nd left onto Queens Grant Drive – up the killer hill – right on Royal Crest and down the hill to Gumbo’s house (or into Cross Creek for an extra mile if you are Rosie and you have a rocket strapped to your feet). Then the worst part – turn around and return up the shorter, steeper hill and then down the long hill and back around by the high school to the Flag.
5 miles for Flatline and Gumbo; 6 for Rosie and 4+ for LugNut. Way to work men. Great run. There will be more rollercoasters in the River Run rotation coming up.
COT – number-rama, name-a-rama and YHC took us out.
- CSAUP – sign up, commit, train… I’m looking at you Wilson
Rosie took off like a bat out of hell and left Flatline to drag YHC’s sorry but up and down the Rollercoaster. It was great to run with Flatline this morning and great to see him in the gloom this whole week and especially after what I know was a draining day yesterday. RESPECT!!
LugNut, as usual, did his thing and logged the miles. Way to work LugNut.
See you in the gloom.
No more Gumbo for you!
Great job guys! Rosie you were on fire. Thanks for the company Flatline!
Good choice of routes Gumbo, that one is always a struggle. The only thing on fire was my legs coming up that second hill. Cross Creek has some good hills to add to the fun.
Yes, Rosie off like a cannon! Solid work Rosie. Gumbo, excellent run and your company this am was welcomed. Those hills are no joke and The Burn. Solid run this am and no better way to start the week!