6 shook off their Super Bowl hangover and came out to play on the black ice at Hoedown. We did:
COP – SSH, Don Qs, Merkins, Flutterkicks, V-Ups, Copperhead Squats. Head over to 3rd Pres Parking lot for Super Bowl recap:
41s and 33s of Exercises: Merkins & WWII Situps, Carolina Dry Docks & Gas Pumps, Freddy Mercurys & Hand Release Merkins. Mosey back to school blacktop:
3 Sets of 25 PLTs. no feet touching ground on way down. Jerkins – Start and 10 and descend by 2s down to 2. Donkey Kicks and V-Ups. Start with 20 & 10 reps, then increase reps each by 10 twice up to 40 & 30. Then 30 more DKs just for Saab.
Head down for Triple Check – B2W, American Hammers, and run the loop. Finish with Heels 2 Heaven. Flipper took us out.
NMS – Small numbers this post Super Bowl at Hoedown. Either the Hoedown PAX includes many Eagles fans or just fans of clean, honest, non-cheating football, it appears many chose the fartsack this morning. For the 6 who did post the PAX were greeted with black ice patches all over the ground. As we started YHC groaned as we had the dreaded 5 PAX count, making partnering difficult. Luckily Flipper joined us in the COP to make it a good even 6.
In the 3rd Pres parking lot some PAX were feeling the Winter Olympics vibe and attempted to lunge-skate across the lot on the icy spots. The 33 Hand-release Merkins really put a hurting on the PAX except for Splinter who mentioned that if you incorporate your dong into the merkin that it reduces the full range of motion and makes it much easier. The PAX asked Splinter to demo this new dubbed Dong-release Merkin but he held out on a full demo. YHC expects him to drop this on an unsuspecting PAX during a Splinter Q sometime soon.
Saab was Fuddian this morning with a need for clarification on several exercises. Apologies go to Flipper and Offshore who had to B2W above a nasty ball of snot YHC hocked up on his round of B2W. Offshore enjoyed YHC’s borrowing of V-Ups from Circle Ks girl’s Dogpile smokefest this weekend. Kubota did his best to bring out the inner-Toga in YHC with his Elbow plank form. We were lucky to have no spills in the icy conditions.
Announcements – Sign up for CSAUP Century Classic and Healing place volunteer run if you haven’t already.
Saab kept testing various mumblechatter subjects while we were across the street but nothing really stuck. Until the DR Merkins were introduced. The rest of the workout was, shall we say elementary?
DR Merkins are the latest addition to the honeymoon suite. Proper form is important.
If we are to incorporate DR Merkins into our repertoire, we will have to supplement our strength training with Dong-repeats…whatever the hell that is.
Probably better than dong-jerkins.
Nice Q, Honey Do! I’m glad everyone liked my elbow plank form. Hey, whatever happened to the hand release Jerkins??
Maybe we’ve found our February monthly challenge?
Consider my calendar already cleared. In fact, I’ll extend through March for good measure.
Dong release merkins – wow impressive dudes !
See y’all in the gloom..
Kubota’s elbow plank form I believe was impeded because he forgot to release the dong….remember guys he has a really big cone. Honey do so glad I asked where the giant lougy that was six inches from my face came from…. kept my form solid though so thanks for the inspiration.
I feel like needs to be documented: didn’t we agree that DR exercises should follow PLTs, especially for SOPers?
I did not know about the snot – off to do some laundry…
When I’m asked for dong repeats, I’m like, let me sit on a bag of ice for a few.
I’m not as good as I once was, but I’m as Good once as I ever was…there will be no repeats… I am asleep