Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

When he runs fast, it smells like bacon.


9 Descended to the Bottom of All Hills:  The start of Spider Run

The Routes:

4s, 5s, 6, all start and finish the same way.

Exit UR using the River Rd entrance near the intramural fields and go across the shopping center to pick  up Westham Station.  Climb the hill as it turns into Ridge and take the Country Squire jug handle to Westham Parkway.

At the University Dr intersection, 4s take a right and do a lap and a half around the lake.  5s and 6s, turn left and head west.  Dogleg right at Ralston to pick up University again and take until it turns into Ziontown.  Take Ziontown to Ridge and cut behind the church to Forest.

5s continue across Forest on Lakewood, dogleg at Westham Parkway and down University Dr to the lake and SF.

6s head north on Forest, right on Rock Creek, right on Baldwin, right on Westham Parkway and left down University Drive.

Clear?  Its really just the same roads that keep changing names.

YHC took us out.


It was good to see Taxi Cab who has been Kotters.  YHC e-mailed him regarding the CSAUP and said if he didn’t come back out, we would run to his house and do APDs in the front yard.  Needless to say, he came to us and then crushed 5 miles like its nothing.

The snow was a nice touch today.  Unlike the slip and slide several weeks ago, this is the winter weather YHC does not mind running in.

While on Country Squire, we intersected another running group coming from the other direction.  One looked like Keymaster, but he didn’t respond to his F3 name.  Keymaster, was that you?


  • CSAUP – F3RVA Century Classic – Teams are forming.  Join one or start your own.
  • Thoughts go to Bleeder today as he gets his bicep repaired.  Buddy, you gotta hold back putting up eight plates on bench!  In all seriousness, it wasn’t the bench and we hope you have a speedy recovery.
  • Thoughts go to Toga and his knee surgery which will hopefully bring him back to top running form and back to F3 soon.

Time to Taper,



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  1. Sorry to miss you guys but it looks like perfectly clear instructions to me.

    The title of the BB leaves me wondering who smells like bacon.

  2. Probably the darkest route I’ve ever run, but one of the most enjoyable, well except the snowflakes in my eyes and apparent need of bag balm.

  3. Wedding Singer on

    Didn’t Keymaster come to the first workout repping a Seal team shirt? probably couldn’t acknowledge you today. Great run today LJ, thanks, good amount of hills and enough pax slowed to by the elements to keep us on path. Splinter, I saw Ross and ran on past purposefully again.

  4. Another great route LJ….this one is a keeper (and I would say fairly straight-forward for the uninitiated.) As Sippy pointed out, poor visibility made it difficult to see the hills, but you could definitely feel them.

    Funny you mention KeyMaster. I did a double-take but didn’t bother to call-out….had to have been him.