Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Birds of a Feather, Flock Together


YHC arrived to No Toll this morning with no set plan and more a personal challenge to Q on the fly–sorta! Big Blue was there and YHC immediate thought…don’t f–k up and draw a blank. Rosie’s SUV had lights planted right on an owl, in the grips of breakfast or dinner-owls are nocturnal correct? 8 regular SOJ men and one geographical SOJ man were ready for a tactical, on the fly Flatline Q.

0530-BOOM…10 Burpees to start. Mosey to the parking lot at soccer fields for COP: Arm Circles x 15, 10 small, 5 big. Forward than reverse. Well actually 16 forward….oops! Don Quixote x 15, Copperhead Squats x 15, Imperial Walkers x 15, LBC x 15, Flutter kicks x 15, and Merkins x 10. Recover and mosey around first soccer field for one lap to assess the fields. No Fields Closed Sign, Marv. Good to go! Back to the corner of parking lot.

Triple Check- One partner runs to the gate, one partner performs mountain climbers, one partner performs SSH.

Mosey to the soccer field for YHC original, The Lawn Service! Run the length of the field, perform SSH for 60 seconds. Than run length of the field again, perform SSH for 50 seconds, and repeato with interval time decreasing by 10 seconds each time to 0. YHC likes interval running and a great way to warm the body while the snow was falling! Mosey to the basketball courts.

Doracides-partner up! First exercise- one partner runs suicides, other partner performs arm circles and switch till 200 arm circles completed. Repeat for second exercise-flutter kicks for a total of 300 and repeat for third exercise-400 SSH. Perfect timing cuz when PAX was finished, time had expired! Mosey back to parking lot.

Number-ama, Name-r-ama.

Announcements: Honeydo and Upchuck are assisting The Healing Place with 10K training team. Please see them to help out! CSAUP, so get on a team!

YHC took us out!

NMS: Swirly, Dogpile would have been nearly impossible! Rosie has shaved his face clean…bald eagle style. Evidently, Rosie and M.Rosie are getting ready for a trip! Oyster, way to push it during Lawn Service. Working out during a snow storm always seem to be a perfect way to start the am! Outstanding work this am gentlemen.

Your dedication and willing to follow YHC Q is much appreciated! The hope, perseverance, an ability to make impossible possible shown by this group of men is a blessing in my life. YHC thanks God everyday for F3! Only those who show up understand!

Loud and Proud!





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  1. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Atta baby Flatline – well done…
    Way to work guys
    See y’all in the gloom..

  2. Right on Flatline…Loud and Proud baby. Nice Q. We got some running in and my fill of SSHs – The Carpenter would have been in heaven. And, I have to say, The Lawn Service is better at No Toll than on the Carillon Lawn – but those last few still make you dig down deep. Well done brother.

    Thanks to Swirly for cranking out the Dora-cide exercises and to Rosie and Oyster for the partnership on the Triple Check.

    RED ALERT – The Emerging Nano-region of New Market may have to be downgraded to a Micro-region or at least lose the “Emerging” moniker unless they can get some more boys out of the sack in the morning. Tclaps to Honeymoon and Marmaduke for continuing to carry the flag.

  3. Amazing morning Flatline! The snow and the beatdown, couldn’t ask for better! Way to lead and strong work gents!
