Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Left Turn at Albuquerque


Nine runners and one K9 showed up for a (relatively) warm run.

The route was North Bank to Pottersfield Bridge to Buttermilk and home.  That said, Labrat led a group on roads vs YHC’s North Bank and then he took the Buttermilk Trail to YHC’s fire road (preserve those muddy trails that were thawing!)  Ours paths crisscrossed as we ran parallel to each other the whole way giving us about 7.5 miles total.

It was a beautiful morning to be on the trails.  I think we saw a handful of other runners, otherwise the city was dormant.  The bridges offered sunrise over the river and the promise of a new day.

Its been about nine months since YHC has been on these trails.  Way too long to be away by any count and a hiatus I do not want to repeat.  ET’s was great as usual.  TYA joined us, or perhaps he is always a resident at ET’s, which means we joined him.  Kind of a chicken and egg situation.


  • F3RVA Century Classic – It’s coming.  Be ready.
  • Honey Do and Up Chuck are in need of Pax to help with a volunteering activity:  10k training for those recovering from or working through addiction.  The time and mileage is not too much, but your impact will be great.  Contact them for additional details.

Time to Taper,




About Author


  1. Sorry to have missed ETs. Nice talking with you today, Lockjaw.

    Sugar had his first experience with Sunday Funday. Nice first showing. Hope your legs recover and we see you back out there soon.

  2. Great am run! Interesting to separate but all worked out when we met at T Potterfield. Ridge. Hardywood and Upchuck-great to share trail and conversation! ET’s=perfect 2 F!
    Loud and Proud!

  3. I’ll definitely be back out, gunning for this Sunday assuming all is well on the homefront. Not sure what was going on with my legs, but the trails beat me up pretty good from the knees down. I feel fine today, and that doesn’t happen on the road, so I’m chalking it up to “many little support muscles and tendons which don’t normally do much having a chance to ‘shine’ on uneven footing.” Appreciate you and Lockjaw running with me on the way back. Enjoyed it, despite the grimacing.