Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Mr. Mister Live at Twin Team


4 F3RVA regulars (including 2 Misters) opted for a SOJ bootcamp beatdown to mark the end of their work week.  Gumbo took the Q and it went something like this:

Mosey two laps around the parking lot waiting for LIFOs – YHC had a feeling Mr. Roper would show up despite no sign of the mobile changing booth (i.e., the 4Runner) as of 0530, but not wanting to disappoint the Q, Mr. Roper rolled in as the on-time trio completed lap #1.

Triangle/Square it up for COP, all IC, including:

  • SSHs
  • DQs
  • Helicopters
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Arm Circles
  • Tempo Merkins
  • Mountain Climbers
  • LBCs
  • Hello Dollies


Burp in a Box – Mosey over to the welcome circle in front of BWES and relive an exercise that LugNut introduces at BWES back in its early days. Using the 8 visitor parking spaces, start in space 1 with 1 Burpee, then run a lap around the circle.  2 Burpees in space 2, run a lap.  Repeato moving to the next parking space and increasing the Burpees by 1 up to 8.  Al Gore for the six.

Wall Work and PLTS – Mosey to the covered entryway of BWES and find a spot on the wall for the following:

  • 1 minute wall sit
  • Partner up for 25 PLTs each
  • 15 Chicken Peckers IC
  • 25 PLTs each
  • 1 minute wall sit
  • 15  Chicken Peckers IC
  • 25 PLTs each

AROD – mosey around the corner to the end of the bus loop for a backwards Dora.  Find a new partner and complete  300 squats, 200 2-count Freddie Mercuries and 100 merkins while taking turns running around the bus loop.

2MOM at the end of the bus loop, including APDs, Flutter Kicks and Box Cutters

Mosey back to the Flag with time for a ROF Rosie Style (start in Al Gore, drop for 10 merkins and hold plank all the way around the horn, then 10 more merkins and back up to Al Gore).

1 minute of LBCs to finish up.

COT, Number-rama, Nama-a-rama and YHC took us out.

Announcements – CSAUP is gaining steam and a pre-Blast should come out soon.  Form your teams and log your miles.  Get ready!


Great to have Mr. Holland SOJ for a beatdown.  Thanks for the partnership during PLTs – way to bang those out.  Rosie hung with the PAX for a while during the burp in a Box, but you can’t keep that animal in a cage for too long and off he went to crush the PAX on the last 3 rounds.  No particular reason for running the DORA backwards other than my shoulders were still burning from the Chicken Peckers and YHC wanted to delay the 100 merkins for a little while.  BTW – shoulders are still burning.

Great job this morning PAX.  Thanks for following my lead.  Always a pleasure to step out front and act like I have a plan.

No more Gumbo for you!


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  1. Well done Gumbo, AROD was a good addition to the mix although running at the end of the bus loop through the dark was a little dicey/icy. Looking forward to a few days without ice next week. Mr. Roper’s warm up includes putting shoes on and getting dressed in the car, who needs SSH.