Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

The McRib Sandwich is Back…


Order was restored this morning at Timberwolf as McRib rolled into the parking lot, slightly LIFO after getting stuck behind the garbage truck, and all in all 6 stalwarts attacked the morning like this:

Short mosey to the end of the parking lot for COP and to wait for McRib (and, as it turns out, the real LIFO – Mr. Roper). COP included:

  • SSHs
  • DQs
  • Helicopters
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Merkins
  • LBCs
  • Arm Circles

Lightpole 11s:

Mosey around the front of the school to the bus loop for 2 rounds of 11s using the 10 lightpoles that surround the loop.  Two Exercises.  Starting at lightpole 1 with 10 and 1 run to lightpole 2 and do 9 and 2 and so on.

Round 1 Exercises: Merkins and Box Cutters

Al Gore to wait for the Six at the 10th lightpole and then the PAX performed 5 Burpees as a group before Round 2 to trace the loop back.

Round 2 Exercises: Squat Jumps and Freddy Mercuries (2-count)

Plank-o-Rama for the Six, then 10-count plank walk on the curb in each direction.

Triple Check

Mosey to the back corner of the bus loop for a classic triple check with BTTW, WWII sit ups and a short run around the median island with a brief stop by the remaining snow pile for 3 burpees in the middle of your run.  Three rounds…

Wall Exercises:

Mosey through Sparky’s Play Alley to the back of the school and find a nice lighted spot on the wall for the following wall exercises:

  • DKs and FKs — Start with 11 Donkey Kicks on the wall, then bear crawl across the road and do 11 2-count Flutter Kicks, then lunge back to the wall.  Three Rounds.
  • Wall Planks In Cadence x11 — Three Rounds

Lightpole Alley

Slowsey back to the flag stopping along the way at each of the 5 lightpoles for exercises:

  1. 20 SSHs
  2. 10 deep squats
  3. 10 2-count mountain climbers
  4. 10 Rosalitas
  5. 20 APDs

ROF Medley

  1. Burpee ROF – running in place and each PAX member called out “Burpee” and a burpee was done – YHC called for 2 for a total of 7 and 21 for the morning.
  2. Dolly ROF – PAX holding six inches and take turns completing 10 Hello Dollies
  3. Merkin ROF – PAX holding plank and take turns completing 10 merkins – no flare just good form.


  • 20 American Hammers IC
  • 1 minute of WWIIs

COT, Number-rama, Name-a-rama, and YHC took us out.  No announcements other than discussion and excitement (?) about the upcoming CSAUP.


No fluff this morning and not too much mumble-chatter.  All business and the PAX worked hard.  Way to go guys.

Great to have McRib back out in the gloom and Mr. Roper is becoming a Timberwolf regular.  Soon he will leave a pair of shoes there so he can do his routine footwear swap car side.

Have a great day men.  Thanks for letting me lead.

No more Gumbo for you!



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  1. Way to lead Gumbo, the Wall Planks got me! Great to see McRib back out! Strong work gents, see you in the gloom!

  2. “DKs and FKs” – definitely thought something else would be explained after reading that!
    Well done, gents.