Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

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Merry Christmas all.  There was no Christmas Day Punisher.

YHC apologizes to my brothers for breaking convention, but this post includes details on two past Punisher offerings – from December 11th and December 18th.

A PAX of two posted for the December 11th version of The Punisher.  Sonny and I left our houses and arrived separately at the AO.  Mosey to the front of the school for the initial COP with SSHs, Don Quixotes, Imperial Walkers, and Arm Circles.  Head around the school to the bus loop for a Dora 1-2-3, taking turns completing 100 x Incline Merkins, 200 x Squats, and 300 x Hello Dollys.  Jog to the playground for three rounds of 3 x Pullups and 15 x LBCs.  Relocate to a flat bench near the playground for ladder with Dips and Seated Knee Ups starting at 11 and working down.  Mosey back around the school to the edge of the parking lot for a couple of minutes of plank and stretching.  Return to the parking lot for COT and YHC took us out.

Was solo for December 18th.  Warmup in the front schoolyard followed by a couple of laps around the field.  Mosey to the playground for Pullups and LBCs involving laps around the playground.  Jog to the butterfly pavilion for a couple of Lindsay rounds – Dips and Step Ups, then Incline Pushups and Front Lunges.  Move to the school wall for Plank and People’s Chair rotation.  Head back around to the frond schoolyard for Walking Imperial Walkers with Invisible Jump Rope ladder.  Return to the parking lot.

Looking forward to increased attendance at The Punisher in 2018.  Attendance has been modest, but the time shift has brought out some new guys that had not previously attended F3 workouts.


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