9 Davillans showed that 20 degree weather wasn’t going to stop them from getting into the holiday spirit with a little KB workout.
This how it went down:
For the 25 days of Christmas, 25 exercises with 25 reps each were completed. Exercises were has follows:
- SSH (IC)
- Plank Jacks (IC)
- Slingshots
- Halos
- Good Mornings
- Single Arm Deadlifts
- Donkey Kicks
- Goblet Squats
- Jack Ass Merkins
- LBC’s (IC)
- Racked Squats
- Rows
- Cleans
- Half Kneeling Press
- Boat/Canoe
- Sit Up + Press
- Side Lunges
- Jump Squats
- Shoulder Taps (IC)
- Mtn. Climbers (IC)
- Flutter Kick + KB Hold (IC)
- Dips
- KB Swings
- Demon Slashers
- KB Burpees
2 MOM – KB Burpee Ring of Fire
Numberama, Namerama, YHC took us out.
YHC showed up at 5:25 to a packed parking lot of men ready to get to work. Mudface even showed up 3 minutes before we started. It’s been a while since YHC has seen so many at MANNdate.
Hardywood was the only one rocking the short sleeves today in F3RVA, Helix joins him as well. That’s beast mode fellas!
The PAX was moving quickly during the first half today complete the first 13 exercises in about 20 minutes. After boat/canoe was completed things seemed to slow down some. Chatter seemed to focused as always around Helix’s form.
Glad to have By Product back out! Hope to see you at other AO’s soon!
HDHH next week 12/20 @ the Answer
Great job today fellas!
Spit! That was a good way to keep us warm during a very cold morning. Thank you!
Excellent workout Spit! All I can say is I will not soon forget the blasted Jack Ass Merkins!