Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny



11 strong attacked WDOG in the gloom  on the coldest morning  so far this year…

COP: Merkins , Windmills, Russian Solders, Flutter Kicks, APD’s, LBC’s, SSH’s.

Triple Check:  Run across field and back  – Captain Thor’s, Regular  Plank  on the run up elbow plank on the run back. Repeat 3 times

Rusty Cage: Partner up : 3 sets of 7 jerkins  – 3 sets of 7 pullups

Amp Theatre: work your way up the ladder 1-18   –  dip  and  incline merkin at each step.

Burpee Shuffle: pax runs in place does burpee around the circle = 11.

Mosey back to flag.

Moleskin: Hardywood rocked shorts sleeves this morning – yep your reading this right – freaken beast – YHC thought shorts was ballsy – damn dude… Sippy cup had the cat burgalers  ski mask on – offshore had the vision quest sweat pants – I telling ya it was a beautiful thing this morning.. Not much chatter other than teeth chattering – the grunts started at the rusty cage and continued through the amp theatre and the burpee shuffle .. By the time we got the the shuffle most of our arms were spent so the burpees were pretty sad..

Awesome job today guys it was a pleasure to lead this morning..  Thanks goes to Hardywood for taking us out – well said buddy!  HDHH next week 12/20 @ the Answer …

See ya’ll in the gloom..


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  1. Lots of grunting for sure. Along with shooting stars and TYA’s hip thrusts on the jerkins I felt like i was in the Honeymoon Suite! My wife and kids were thrilled that I made breakfast shirtless today to show off how swole up i was. Strong work, boys!

  2. Yeah baby! I could have rocked a tank top today since it was a Swirly Q. There was no fear of not being warm enough. TClaps to my merkin mates BT and Swirly. Way to keep the form all the way through.