Seven GridIron regulars gathered for Saturday’s offering. Game time temperatures of around 32 degrees didn’t halt progress. Cecil led off with a 3rd F conversation (combined with the 2nd F, of course) concerning perseverance.
We followed with this Thang: 70 x Invisible Jump Rope, 20 x Don Quixote, 20 x Russian Soldiers, and 15 x Arm Circles (big only, forward then reverse). Mosey to the playground for 10 x Jerkins and 25 x Pole Smokers/PLTs. Complete 4 rounds.
Jog across the nearby bridge to the entry point for the trail. Complete 10 Burpees then jog into the woods via trail. Lead PAX member runs at least 20 paces, selects a tree, and all drop and complete 25 LBCs. Repeat, with each PAX member leading for a short time and completing the same. Pop out of the trail behind the school and complete 10 Burpees then return to the trail, completing the same exercises back to the beginning. Hop off the trail once more for 10 more Burpees. Lost count but all probably led twice at 25 LBCs each time – resulting in about 350 LBCs total.
Return the starting parking lot. Pick a parking space for a couple of rounds of exercises. First round – 15 seconds of Bear Crawl followed by 15 x Merkins, 15 x Squats, and 15 x Box Cutters. Second round – 15 seconds of Crab Walk followed by 15 x Close Grip Merkins, 15 x Front Lunges (single count), and 15 x Hello Dollys. Third round – 15 seconds of Roving Monkey Humpers followed by 15 x Wide Grip Merkins, 15 x Curtsy Lunges, and 15 x Rosalitas. One quick round of Shoulder Taps, then some quick stretching until time called.
COT and Attila (if I remember correctly) took us out.
Nice work guys. Coffeeteria at Einstein Bros. followed.