Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Leftover Gumbo Warmed the Soul on the Frozen SOT Tundra


8 SOJ regulars posted to SOT this morning maybe expecting slightly warmer temperatures, but once you cross through the gate toward the football field of broken dreams, you are always entering a dark polar vortex, and today was no different.  Today’s beatdown went like this:

Mosey around the bus loop and back to the small parking lot to pick up McRib (new wheels but still LIFO) for COP, all IC, including:

  • SSHs x30
  • DQs x10
  • Helicopters x10
  • Imperial Walkers x15
  • Arm Circles x15 (10 small, 5 large) – forward and backward
  • Merkins x10
  • LBCs x20 (or so I think – the revving of bus engines made it hard to hear)


Merkin/Jump Squat Lindsay’s on the track – mosey through the polar vortex to the track and form up at the near end to start the Lindsay’s with 30 Merkins and 10 Jump Squats – run around the track to the other end for 25 Merkins and 15 Jump Squats — continue around until finishing with 10 Merkins and 30 Jump Squats.

Let’s Try These Proper Dora’s Again – mosey to basketball courts and partner up for proper dora’s (sort of).  The exercises were 1 Burpee, 2 WWII situps, 3 Merkins.  Complete 50 while taking turns running the length of the courts and back.

1-minute Wall Plank – mosey to the side of the school and wall plank – starting in regular plank and moving to wall plank and back to regular plank continuously for 1 minute.

Curb Lunge – Derivation of curb crawls but YHC’s shoulders were smoked by the merkins and planks so far, so forward lunge across to the other curb, perform 1 2-count ball dipper, backward lunge back, 2 2-ct ball dippers….up to 5 and back down to 1.

ROF Rosie Style – mosey back to the flag and do the Rosie ROF – starting in Al Gore, drop for 10 merkins, hold plank, when it comes back around to you 10 more merkins and back to Al Gore.

3 MOM, including:

  • Hello Dollies x15
  • Freddie Mercuries x15
  • American Hammers x10

COT, Number-Rama, Name-a-Rama and YHC took us out

Announcement — HDHH at Soon to be Marv’s tonight at 5:00.  http://f3rva.org/2017/11/20/hdhh-weds-after-tgiving/


Suffice it to say that the SOJers are tired of the November menu of Gumbo, but the PAX pushed through strong today.  YHC wasn’t satisfied with the last attempt at Proper Doras, so he brought it back….STILL SUCKED!  Burpees add to the misery nicely.

Unofficial count of Merkins was 215 (assuming you did 1/2 of the merkins in the Proper Doras), individual counts may vary.

Strong work men!  Thanks for letting me lead so much this month, it has been a pleasure.  I’m taking the show across the river to 45MOM tomorrow to close out November strong!

No more Gumbo for you!


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  1. Don’t think we are gonna see the end of Gumbo. He is addicted! We are good with it! Way to bring the pain!

  2. Nice work. Since it’s still the middle of the night here in Guam, this has convinced me to shove off the Fart Sack and get to it!