Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

You’ll Wish You Eloped


19 warriors rose to greet the dawn of a new day.  According to legend, it went a little something like this.

COP:  IC X 20 SSH, IW, LBC, FM, X 15 merkin

Fantastic Fours:  Start at the top of the Valley of Doubt behind the amphitheater.

  • Round 1: Run down and up the other side to the service road (corner 1) to complete 20 merkins, then run back to start.
  • Round 2:  Run to corner 1 for 20 merkins, run up hill to gate and complete 20 jump squats.  Back to corner one for 20 merkins, back to start.
  • Round 3:  Corner 1, corner 2, run to fountain (corner 3) and complete 20 WWII strict sit up (hands touch ground behind head and then all the way over to touch your toes.  Back to corner 2, corner 1 and run back to start.
  • Round 4: Corner 1, corner 2, corner 3, run towards starting area and complete 20 burpees.  Run back to corner 3, corner 2, corner 1, back to start.

Elevens:  Partner up and complete a round of exercises where the total QTY equals 11.  Exercises are pull ups and T-merkins. Start with 10 pull ups and 1 T merkin.  Then 9 pull ups and 2 T merkins.  You get the idea.

Mosey to amphitheatre.

Chicken Pecker Lite: IC X 10

Death By Box Jumps: Start on step 1 and complete 1 box jump.  Go up to step 2 and complete 2 box jumps.  Proceed on up until you get to the 18th step.

Mosey back to flag.

Numberama, namerama and the great Viral lead us out.

News:  Breaking bread is this Sunday from 5-7.  See YHC if you are interested.

Merkin Count: 225

Moleskin: Great job gents and welcome Igor. This was a  big effort and a new take on a couple of favorites. Leading Dogpile is a real privilege and my appreciation runs deep for the Pax who abide by the prescripted workout. YHC will beg for preemptive request forgiveness to Circle K’s M who had a big day of him painting lined up.  3rd F at ETs was a blast as always.




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  1. Great job fellas. We to dominate today. Have a great weekend.

    Also, if you know anyone getting married or who is thinking about getting married please send them the above video. It very well could save their lives.

  2. What a way to start the weekend! Hardy wood, you never disappoint my friend. Great Q. The Elevens with the rusty cage were killer but great. Thanks to Phonics for pushing me through that, literally.

    Great job guys. Welcome Igor. Have a great weekend.

  3. I wish I’d eloped!!

    As always glad to see Guinness. Today, he (accidentally) put Flashdance to shame on living that LIFO life.

  4. Crusher today. Not my best personal showing…Thanks for pushing me through the 11s, Hardywood. Pull-ups are not, shall we say, going to be on my personal resume of life.

    Nice to see Guinness today…I love any joke that causes the teller to laugh preemptively. By the way, do you all celebrate Daylight Savings Time in North Carolina? Alexa says yes, but Siri is non commital. I’ll ask Mike Leech his opinion.

  5. Chicken peckers are starting to be a regular. Brought them to Florence this morning….they were not well received. See yall next week!

  6. Smoker this morning Hardywood. The painting is complete although I had to muster all my strength to lift the paint brush. Great Q