Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

We ran, yes we ran so far away…


2 Pax showed up, turned on the headlamps, and headed out.

The COP:  “You ready?”  “No”  “Okay, let’s go”

YHC and Mudface managed to crank out a little over 3 miles using our scintillating run/walk combo, while trying to pretend that we weren’t freezing our Schweddy balls off (see video).  There was mumblechatter about why YHC has failed to buy any cold weather pants, and much fun was had as Mudface shot down all of YHC’s perfectly valid reasons.

YHC hopes all of his F3 brothers, along with their M’s and 2.0’s, have a wonderful Thanksgiving!  Safe travels!



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