10 Warriors joined YHC this morning for some pre half-marathon festivities.
This is how it went down:
Slaughter Start with a twist
13 merkins OYO, Mosey around the church
13 merkins OYO (Al Gore for the six), Mosey backwards around the church
13 merkins OYO (Al Gore for the six), Karaoke around the church
13 merkins OYO (Al Gore for the six)
SSH x13, (13 Merkins OYO)
DQ x 13, (13 Merkins OYO)
Helicopters x 13, (13 Merkins OYO)
LBFC (Little Baby Flutter Crunch) x 13 , (13 Merkins OYO)
Crab Cake x13, (13 Merkins OYO)
Arm Cirlces x8 small x5 big and reverso, (13 Merkins OYO)
Mosey to the Pavilion
Bruce Lee (Marathon Repeats)
A set consisting of 6 ab exercises:
13 American Hammers
13 Leg raises
13 LBC’s
13 Heel Touches
13 Crunchy Frog
13 100’s.
Rinse and Repeat total of 3 sets with additional sets of 26 and 8. Al Gore-a-rama between sets
Mosey back to the parking lot
WMD Crawl
Starting at the curb, Bear Crawl executed by doing 13 Werkins and crawling 13 steps with hands set out wide followed by 13 Merkins and crawling 13 steps with hands at normal position followed by 13 Diamond Merkins and crawling 13 steps with hands set in close. Rinse and Repeat back to the curb
YHC played “Thunderstruck” by ACDC. PAX complete 1 standard Merkin for every “thunder!” that is heard in the song. Plank during the rest of the song. LBC’s were mixed in during long breaks as well
Mosey back to the SF for Numberama, Namerama, Chowdah took us out.
Since tomorrow will be YHC’s first ever Half-Marathon only seemed fitting to theme today workout with all reps being 13. (or if you are Carpenter completing 13.1 not show how you do 0.1 Merkin). Tapering was taken to a new level with focusing mainly on core exercises today.
The 2.0 were close to outnumbing the old men today (4:7 ratio). Way to bring it everything week fellas!
T-Claps to our Veteran Rounders. Thank you for your service!
- Good Luck to everyone in F3RVA running in either the Half or Full Marathon tomorrow
- Hampton Roads 1 year anniversary is tomorrow! See preblast if you are planning on attending
Great job fellas!! I counted approxing 235 Merkins for those keeping count for the challenge!
Good luck on the half tomorrow morning. I’m sure you’ll crush it brother.